Marry Me for Real, Cowboy - Valerie Comer Page 0,53

jumped to her feet and hugged each twin. “I’ll treasure this always.”

If anyone noticed she hadn’t included Adam, no one reacted. When she sat back down, she left a little room between them and reached behind herself for a package. “Merry Christmas, cowboy.” She presented it to Adam with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

He tore the wrap away, aware that all eyes were on them, and revealed a black shirt with a horse’s head embroidered in gray tones. He leaned over and pecked her lips. “Thanks. It’s great.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I have something for you, too.” Adam tugged a small gift-wrapped box from his shirt pocket.

Riley gave him a questioning look as she slipped the ribbon from around the box. Inside lay a diamond necklace with matching earrings. She bit her lip and touched the gleaming jewelry. “It’s beautiful, Adam. Thank you.”

“Oh, that will be lovely with your wedding dress!” Mom exclaimed from her spot beside the tree. “Have you picked a style yet?”

“Not yet.” Riley didn’t look up.

“Let me put the necklace on you.” Adam lifted the dainty chain from the box while Riley swept her unruly hair to one side. Then he slid it around her neck and fastened the tiny clasp. He couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to her bare skin.

“Enough mush.” Travis’s disgusted voice broke the moment.

The girls giggled, and Toby echoed them.

After the way the last few days had gone, Riley was probably counting up the dollar value of the jewelry. He’d had such high hopes in Amarillo, as though Sawyer’s optimism had rubbed off on him. Still, an extravagant gift was necessary for show.

Several more presents were exchanged. The Cavanaghs had never been big on it, so it wasn’t a major deal.

At least, until Declan cleared his throat, and his sharp gaze landed on Adam.

“Your mother and I have been talking.”

Adam tried to swallow. Failed. Riley’s fingers laced with his, and he drew strength from the touch.

“Noah, Nathaniel, this pertains to you as well.”

His twin brothers exchanged a look. The other brothers also glanced between themselves.

“I’d like to...” Declan paused, and his gaze bounced off Mom. So, this was her wording, not his. “We’d like to offer Running Creek Ranch back to you boys. I’ll be honest. I’ve been waiting to see some signs of maturity.”

Adam felt heat creep up his face. If only his stepfather knew.

“Until recently, only one of you showed any signs of growing up. Congratulations on establishing your farrier business, Noah. You have a good reputation. You’ve done me proud.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Adam was pretty sure this was the first time their stepfather had ever acknowledged any of them for a job well done.

Declan looked at Nathaniel and shook his head. “I’m still waiting for a sign you have any ambition of any sort, but your mother insists that two out of three is enough. And with you, Adam, engaged to be married and taking on solid responsibility around here, she might be right.”

“Breathe,” whispered Riley, nudging his ribs.

Adam inhaled, his gaze still fixed on his stepfather.

“What day is the wedding again?”

“We, uh...” Adam stuttered. “We haven’t decided, exactly.”

Declan’s eyebrows rose. “Why’s that?”

Adam had no answer. The question made sense, though. Surely any normal engaged couple would have made this decision long ago.

“I’m not sure when my parents can come all the way up here,” Riley said, squeezing his hand. “That’s part of the holdup.”

“Here’s what we’re going to do.” Declan looked over at Mom, then at the twins, and finally, again, at Adam and Riley. “After the wedding, we’ll sign the papers for the ranch. How you boys divide things is up to you. Figure out who’s going to live in the house and how the others will be compensated.” He shrugged. “Or keep living in the cabins here and ride for Rockstead. Up to you.”

Somewhere in the middle of that, Adam’s brain had caught on the timing. “After the wedding, sir?”

His stepfather’s gaze skewered his. “That’s what I said. Please note I’ll need at least sixty days to remove the current tenants, so there’s no point in eloping next week. All the paperwork could be completed by the first of March at the earliest.”

After the wedding. And Riley wanted to break up and leave by the end of the year. She’d drawn the line in the snow — no way would she stick around long enough to marry him.

Oh… and then divorce him.

Adam had lost. He’d lost everything, right on the heels of gaining it, Copyright 2016 - 2024