Marry Me for Real, Cowboy - Valerie Comer Page 0,34

carved. The whole family, dressed up in their Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes, sat in their usual seats around the resplendent table. Staring at him. Even Mom was here today.

“Sure.” He cleared his throat and closed his eyes. “Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the many blessings You’ve given to each and every one of us. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for us and offer salvation. Thank You for supplying everything we need, for keeping us healthy...” His mind shot to Ace for a few seconds before he pulled it back. “We ask Your blessing on this meal and our time together. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Riley squeezed his knee under the table.

Declan narrowed his gaze at him, but more thoughtfully than antagonistically. Then he picked up the carving set and began to slice into the bird.

Mom looked around the table. “While your father carves the turkey, why don’t we take turns letting everyone know what we are thankful for this year? Alexia, go ahead.”

Alexia rolled her eyes. “This year is just like every other year. We never get to go anywhere or see anyone. There’s nothing to be thankful for.”

Emma jabbed her twin’s side with her elbow. “I’m thankful for Desiree. Thanks, Dad. She’s a great horse.”

“Oh. Yeah. Same with Domino. Thanks, Dad. I like her.”

Declan grunted something that might have been acknowledgment as he laid another slice of white meat on the platter. The aroma of the roasted turkey mingled with the other dishes on the table, causing Adam’s gut to grumble.

Riley’s fingers laced with Adam’s. “I’m thankful to have met Adam this year. And thankful for all of you, for welcoming me to Rockstead.”

Adam knew his cue when he heard it. He leaned over to press a kiss to her temple, just long enough for one of the twins to giggle. “I’m thankful for Riley. She makes my life complete.” Not quite as complete as getting his hands on Running Creek, but far more than he’d expected a month ago when they’d met in the Golden Grill.

Declan paused carving for a few seconds. “I’m thankful for good calf prices this year and healthy stock.”

Travis was thankful for Toby, Toby was thankful for Toy Story, and the other brothers’ replies were rather vague. Nathaniel’s jaw was set as he mumbled something about good fall weather. Seriously?

When it came back to Mom at the foot of the table, she smiled at Adam. “I’m thankful to have my eldest back in the fold, for his regained faith, and for his lovely bride-to-be.”

He hate-hate-hated to deceive his mother, especially with the realization of how much she’d suffered from depression the past few years. Having Riley here had given her something bright to focus on, and Adam was going to yank that away from her as soon as he and Declan had settled things with Running Creek.

He was such a heel and a liar to boot. How could he claim to have revived his relationship with Jesus when he lived a lie every single day?

Blake plopped a huge mound of mashed potatoes on his plate and passed the serving dish to Ryder. Emma and Alexia squabbled over the bowl of dressing.

Riley pressed her shoulder against his arm. “You okay?” she whispered as the hubbub picked up around the table.

This woman. Her sensitivity to his moods knew no bounds. Her blue eyes studied him.

“Better now,” he whispered back.

Her mouth lifted in a little grin, and he fought the urge to kiss her right at the dinner table. It wouldn’t have been for show, either. It would have been because he really appreciated her. Maybe even liked her a lot.

Too early for love, though, right? But it didn’t feel like it. He’d dated plenty of buckle bunnies in his day, women who hung around pro rodeo to snag attention from macho cowboys and be seen with them. The more trophies and buckles he won, the more attention he received. He’d simply accepted it as his due. A mark of success.

And Chantelle Devereaux had been the most insidious of them all. She’d been his arm candy there for a few weeks, just as he’d been hers. What an idiot he’d been.

When would he be done using women for his own advancement? He was doing it again with Riley, but she wasn’t like the others. She didn’t deserve what he’d thrust upon her. Sure, she’d come willingly... he still didn’t know what that was all about, but he was one hundred percent certain he hadn’t forced her.

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