Marry Me for Real, Cowboy - Valerie Comer Page 0,20

even have one. Scotty said he thinks you never even met each other before Monday night.”

“You really think I’d go around kissing men I don’t even know?” Totally guilty. “By the way, I don’t believe we’ve met. Or, at least, I missed your name.”

“Dakota Erickson. Just don’t let your eyes wander, Riley. Travis is mine.”

If Riley bit her tongue any harder, the tip would fall off. “Oh, congratulations! I guess we’ll soon be sisters, then. When’s the big day? Can I see your ring?”

“I’m not marrying him anytime soon, but that doesn’t give you the right to get between us. Travis and I have a son together.”

“Adam told me about his nephew. Toby, isn’t it? I just cleaned his pony’s stall.”

Dakota laughed. “Adam the Great’s fiancée mucking out behind my kid’s pony? I like it. You’ll never catch me with horse manure on my boots.”

“Mama? Where’s Daddy?” A little boy collided with Dakota’s leg and grabbed on as he looked up.

“I’m not sure.” Dakota tousled the little guy’s hair then looked at Riley. “Maybe this woman knows.”

“Sorry to disappoint. The guys are riding fence somewhere today, but I can’t tell you which guys — besides Adam — or exactly where. But I’m sure Travis won’t want to miss any time with his son, so I bet he’ll be around soon.”

Toby leaned against his mom’s leg and looked over at her. “Who’re you?”

Riley squatted and tugged off her work gloves. “I’m Riley, and you must be Toby. Your uncle Adam told me about you.”

“Adam is not Toby’s uncle. He’s just Travis’s stepbrother.”

Go ahead. Split hairs. Riley smiled at the boy. “He said you were a pretty cool kid.”

“Look, if you don’t know where Travis is, I need to find him. I have to get back to Jewel Lake. I’ve got a busy weekend planned.”

Riley bet she did.

“Come on, Toby.” Dakota took the boy’s hand then turned back. “I’d just leave him with you, but that would send the wrong message.”

“I’ve got work to do, anyway. I’ll see you around, Toby.”

The little boy looked up at his mom. “I play with Emma?”

“We’ll see.”

Riley peeked out of the stall to watch them make their way out of the stable. Dakota was something else. There’d been no need to be rude, though Adam had warned Riley there was no brotherly love between him and Travis. Still, watching Dakota swing her son’s hand and laugh at something he said revealed a softer side.

What would it be like to have a child to pass back and forth every week with a man she’d once loved? Dakota was so defensive about Travis. She couldn’t possibly be over him, no matter how much she blustered.

Riley pushed the wheelbarrow toward the stack of straw bales she’d been told to use for bedding. Only one more stall on today’s agenda, and that was Jupiter’s. She’d take extra care on that one.

“You need to get over her.” Blake elbowed Nathaniel as the two led their horses into the corral.

Adam glanced over, his hands on Jupiter’s reins. He’d been gone too long if he didn’t even know his kid brother had loved and lost.

“Easy for you to say,” mumbled Nathaniel. “You’re not the one left high and dry.”

“You don’t know everything. Sometimes it’s best to face the music and move on.”

“Leave me alone.”

“Dude, it’s been months, and you haven’t gone out once that I know of. No girl stays away that long if she’s coming back.”

Frowning, Adam followed the pair into the stable. Travis and Ryder had come in earlier, and Noah was at one of the ranches near Saddle Springs for a few days, shoeing horses. Adam didn’t mind riding the south flank by himself. Gave him more time to think about what he’d gotten into with Riley. But, it seemed, he was out of touch with his brothers. Did Noah have a girlfriend, too, and Adam just didn’t know?

Good thing he was back where he could keep an eye on things.

Nathaniel led Kingpin into his stall while Blake took Zorro into the one two gates down.

Adam paused and watched Nathaniel slip Kingpin’s bridle off. The horse tossed his head, then accepted a slice of apple before allowing Nathaniel to secure the halter.

“Anything you want to talk about?” Adam asked.

Nathaniel glanced over. “What do you mean?”

“I couldn’t help overhearing what Blake said.”

“None of your beeswax. None of his, either.”

“I’m back for good now, Nat. We’re brothers. We’re a team.”

Nathaniel shoved his cowboy hat higher on his forehead and studied Adam. “There’s Copyright 2016 - 2024