Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,69

as she was concerned, this moment could last forever. The loud whoosh of the wind against the open window muffled all sounds from outside. The cold air from being high off the ground contrasted to the warmth of Jaxx’s embrace. It was only the two of them, away from the world, safe and alone.

“Considering what you saw, I don’t think they knew it would cause such a big explosion, but yes, he was responsible. Thanks to you, we were able to stop him.” Jaxx leaned back so he could study her face. “You did an amazing thing, Fiora.”

She took a deep breath. “We’ll see.”

Fiora let go of him and stepped closer to the window. The cold hit her, blowing the tunic shirt against her. Goosebumps rose on her body as she forced herself to ignore the weather.

Timelines formed as she stared at the city, but they were nothing like the chaotic mess of before. There were no screams, no explosions, no ash falling like snow over the land. The visions caused the expected discomfort, but nothing like the agonizing pain of before. The memories of what they had prevented would always be there in her head, but at least now they were only a tale of what could have been.

“You’re smiling,” Jaxx said. “Does that mean it worked?”

A tear slipped over her cheek, and she nodded. “The fire and ash are gone.”

Her eyes moved over the city, following pieces of the lives to be lived below. So many people with futures now. They would not all be fantastic stories, but at least they were stories.

“You did well ridding them of Doyen. There was evil in that man, the kind of evil you can’t cure. The things I saw him do to women, to children, to everyone around him.” Fiora hated those images but could take comfort that they too were from a timeline that had changed. “You saved many.”

“We saved many,” he corrected.

Fiora reached for him, and he instantly took her hand. All visions cleared to be replaced by the landscape.

Seeing a dark figure in the sky, she squinted and leaned out the window to try to get a better view. The wind whipped her hair against her face, obstructing it instead.

“Who is that?” she asked.

Jaxx looked toward the sky. His eyes filled with gold as he focused his sight. “Grace.”

Fiora watched as Grace circled over them, disappearing behind the tower only to reappear. She lifted her hand, waving at her. Grace again disappeared from view. A loud thump sounded on the roof as Grace landed over them.

Jaxx reached for the stack of shirts and handed one to Fiora. “She’ll need this.”

“How will she get down?” Fiora asked.

Jaxx pulled Fiora away from the window. He averted his gaze.

A very human, naked Grace dropped down from above, swinging her legs into the window. She landed in a crouch. When her head lifted, Fiora instantly gave her the tunic shirt to put on.

Grace’s hand was balled in a fist as she held the shirt against her chest without putting it on. “We were worried. I flew past Grier carrying Salena into the palace. Aunt Olena sent me to look for you two since you hadn’t been back.”

“We just finished in the city. We’re heading back soon,” Jaxx said.

“Did it work?” Grace asked.

“Yes.” Fiora nodded.

“We stopped it,” Jaxx added.

Grace let loose a long breath. “That is great news indeed. Dulla gave birth to two boys. She didn’t make it, but I have a feeling you already know that.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Fiora said.

“I’m sure you had your reasons.” Grace looked haunted by what she’d been through with Dulla, but she didn’t say anything more about it. “Anyway, while I was in the mountains, I picked this up for you.”

Grace tossed a pouch toward Jaxx. He caught it with one hand.

“Shut your eyes,” she told her cousin.

Jaxx obeyed, and Grace dropped the shirt. She smiled at Fiora. “I’m glad you made it out of there in one piece.”

“Thank you.” Fiora started to say more but Grace turned and propelled herself out of the window.

Fiora’s heart leaped in her chest as she ran to watch as Grace’s human body dove toward the ground. The dragon ripped from her flesh and before she crashed, her wings pumped hard to carry her into the sky.

“By all the stars, that made my heart jump into my throat,” Fiora said. “I guess I still need to get used to the whole flying family thing.”

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