Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,66

Yevgen promised. “No one will touch her.”

“See that you do,” Jaxx said, “because your life depends on it.”

“Yevgen is on our side, Jaxx,” Payton soothed. “Fiora is safe here. And, thanks to her, the people of Shelter City will live to escape another day. She did an amazing thing.”

Jaxx gazed at Fiora, afraid to let go of her. With his shifted eyesight, he saw her face clearly. Blood still stained her face. It had dried on her shirt but he could detect its scent. He didn’t want the evil she had seen to invade her dreams. Still, he knew he couldn’t keep touching her and take care of the exploding still at the same time. He’d promised her that he’d help the people of Shelter City, and that was what he intended to do.

“She is an amazing woman,” Jaxx answered at length. “I could not survive without her.”

He placed Fiora’s hand next to her and let go. She didn’t stir, and he hoped the medicine he’d given her helped her to rest dreamlessly.

“I am pleased to see you have found your mate,” Payton said. “For all that you do for others, you deserve some happiness for yourself, Jaxx.”

“As do you,” Jaxx answered. He gave one last glance at Fiora before following Payton out of the cyborg’s secret hideaway.

“The way my life is going, I doubt marriage is in my future. As we speak an alien dignitary is trying to negotiate with my father for my hand in marriage to some prince.” Payton chuckled. “When I snuck away from the place, Uncle Quinn was doing his best to keep my father from tearing off the man’s head for daring to suggest it.”

“Again?” Jaxx chuckled. “I feel a little sorry for the man you fall in love with. I would not want to face Commander Falke in such a capacity.”

“I hope destroying the still works.” Payton’s voice became serious once more as she turned to the side to pass through the narrow opening. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of Fiora, but I don’t think she should ever come back here. The look on her face when she stared at me, the horror in her expression, the blood streaming down her chin… Jaxx, it was terrifying. When she fainted, I thought she’d died. I’ve never seen anyone look at me the way she did. It was as if she couldn’t see me. I didn’t know what to do to help her.”

“I know.” Jaxx had seen Fiora’s reactions for himself. His connection to her was such that he felt the deep pain radiating off her. “When this is over, I’m taking her somewhere safe and secluded, away from the world. She’s sacrificed enough for others, and I worry at what cost to herself.”

“I think that’s a good idea. I’ll do whatever I can to help.” Payton stopped at the entrance to Yevgen’s passageway. “I’ll bring you supplies as you get settled with her, so you don’t have to leave her. We have to keep her away from people.”

“Thank you.” Jaxx hadn’t fully formulated his plan and wouldn’t until he had a chance to talk to Fiora about it first. He would give her whatever life she chose.

“Try not to draw attention,” Payton said. “After that tiny brawl, I’m sure Doyen and his men will be looking for you. I’m not going to be the one to drag your dragon ass back to Fiora if two dozen men decide to overtake us.”

Jaxx wasn’t worried. He’d seen Payton fight many times. She was quite deadly when forced to bare her claws.

“Please,” he drawled. “Everyone knows that dragons are always bailing cats out of danger.”

She smirked at his teasing.

Cysgodians moved through the city, each with individual purpose and completely unaware of the peril that unfolded amongst them. They didn’t pay attention as Payton and Jaxx slipped from the narrow walkway. If anyone cared to look, they’d probably assume they had ducked away for a sexual encounter, which was common amongst the citizens.

They fell into silence as they moved into the flow of the city streets. He let Payton take the lead as she knew where the still was located. It gave him the chance to keep an eye on her while searching for threats.

A pair of sweeper borgs walked along the street. Payton changed course and stopped to look at a pile of scrap metal for trade. Jaxx joined her. She pointed toward a jagged piece. The sound of the borgs passed behind them.

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