Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,59

Maybe, if I could have seen my own timeline, I would have changed something and missed this opportunity.”

Fiora moved her hand to Jaxx’s cheek.

“I might have missed you,” she whispered, not caring that everyone watched them. This was one truth she wasn’t embarrassed to say. “I love you, Jaxx.”

He kissed her lightly. “We’re going to get through this. Together.”

“He’s outside the eatery near the south cliffside,” Yevgen said.

“I know where that is. It’s near the blast zone you mentioned.” Payton patted Yevgen on the shoulder. “I’ll show them and come back to finish our discussion.”

“Until then, sweet princess,” Yevgen said.

Payton winked at him. To Fiora, she said, “You’re in charge. You tell me when you’re ready.”

“Now,” Fiora answered. “The sooner we get started, the sooner we’ll be done.”

“What if it isn’t Doyen?” Salena asked.

“Then come back and we’ll search for the next target.” Yevgen pointed to the space behind the monitors. “I’ll pull out the extra cots. It’ll be just like an overnight party.”


The last place Jaxx wanted to take his wife was deeper into Shelter City. It took everything in him not to let the dragon take over and fly her away. He wanted to protect her from the evil she was sure to see in a man like Doyen’s head. Each time she read a future, he saw the emotional toll it took on her. He saw the dullness fill her eyes, watched as she unconsciously rubbed her temple and the back of her neck, and the smear of blood staining her skin from her nosebleeds.

Payton’s guidance took them through the city toward the cliffside under the Federation building. The cat-shifter princess moved as if she belonged in the city streets. She acted like the locals, navigating with ease, never hesitating, not making eye contact for too long.

“How much time does she spend here?” Fiora walked next to Jaxx. Grier and Salena followed behind them, and Payton took the lead several paces ahead. The smaller groups would draw less notice, and if one stumbled into trouble, two others could help.

“Who? Payton?” Jaxx gave a small laugh, trying to keep the mood as light as possible for Fiora. He didn’t want her picking up on his worry. She had enough of her own. “Probably more than she should.”

“She appears as if she is extremely familiar with the city,” Fiora added.

“Her father commands the Var armies. He’s all about keeping his little girl safe. He would hate it if he knew she snuck into the city,” Jaxx said, thinking of Prince Falke of the Var.

“I have the distinct impression that none of the shifter elders would like the fact any of us are here, except maybe your parents. Well, maybe not like, but not hate,” she answered.

“True.” Jaxx scanned the crowd for threats. For the most part, it was city business as usual.

A father—at least he hoped it was a father figure—dragged two children behind him on a small cart. The small boy cried and sniffled. The older girl looked annoyed with him. Neither seemed in danger.

Fiora must have noticed them as well because she pulled her hand from his. He glanced down, seeing her staring at the cart. Her eyes widened, and she turned her head away from them, gasping for breath.

Jaxx instantly grabbed her hand to stop it. “Maybe don’t look at things until we’re done with Doyen.”

He wanted to say, Stop letting go of me if it’s going to cause you pain. I will gladly hold you forever.

“Rocks,” she whispered. “The explosion causes the rocks to fall here. Just when I saw all the ways these people die…” She took a deep, shaky breath. “Explosion, fire, ash, murder, poisoning, starvation, and now a rockfall caused by the blast. Jaxx, I have to stop this from happening. I have to, but what if I fail? What if I can’t do it? What if I can’t find the cause?”

“We have to. You are not in this alone, and this does not fall only on your head to solve. We are in this together.” He pulled her closer to him and hated the way her shoulders trembled.

What they were doing went against every dragon instinct he had. For that matter, it went against his instincts as a man too. But Fiora was a strong woman, and he owed it to her not to dishonor that strength by ignoring her wishes.

“I love you, Fiora,” Jaxx whispered. “More than anything I have ever loved in my life.”

She glanced up at him and Copyright 2016 - 2024