Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,55

followed along metal tracks in the ceiling.

Suddenly the sound of rolling metal came from behind the monitors. A legless man sat in a sling that hung from the ceiling. It rolled along the tracks. His arms hung out of the side of the sling. When he looked at her, she remembered Yevgen wasn’t a man at all. He was a cyborg. His mechanical eyes focused in on her like a security camera. Fiora saw them appear on one of the monitors as his eyes zoomed in on them.

“Future queen of the dragons,” Yevgen said, bowing his head. Salena’s face became focused on the screen and the image of starbursts appeared around her like fireworks. His voice wasn’t what Fiora would have expected. It had a pleasant quality to it. “An honor to see you again so soon.”

“It is good to see you, Yevgen,” Salena said.

“Prince Grier. Prince Jaxx,” Yevgen said to the men in turn, their faces appearing with less fanfare on the monitor. “I have seen you both several times sneaking through our city.”

Yevgen’s gaze then settled on Fiora. A monitor behind him flickered, and a poster of her appeared on the screen. The image zoomed in to the scar on her forehead.

“I am pleased to see you have found freedom, Lady Fiora,” Yevgen said. “I wondered if we would ever meet. I have been picking up communications about you for some time.”

“Yevgen is the one who told us they were bringing off-world dignitaries into the facility for that big gala,” Salena said. “It gave us our opening to get to you.”

“Yes. They were bringing generals and captains who needed convincing of Shelter City’s relevance. They tried to hide the reason for their landings with fake planetary clearance codes, but they referenced a soothsayer in their communications,” Yevgen added. “Thankfully, your escape did not help secure their galactic position. The general was very disappointed to lose you.”

“Then I owe you my thanks,” Fiora said.

Yevgen’s eyes dilated. He focused in on her as if registering her physiological reactions. The monitor showed a recording of Grier running them off the side of the cliff during their escape from the stronghold. As they fell, a large white cat had jumped from the trees only to drag a fallen soldier into the brush. The image lasted several seconds before it returned to the present. Her scar became a highlighted line for a brief moment as if he logged the anomaly into his database.

“But I cannot say I would have recommended a level-one prisoner of the Federation’s return to the city,” Yevgen continued. “The general was not happy to lose such a prized possession.”

Yevgen glanced to where Jaxx held her hand.

“It would seem another has taken possession,” the cyborg said.

Fiora followed his gaze down. She wasn’t sure she liked being called a possession but didn’t correct him. They needed his help.

“Or perhaps you have taken possession of him?” Yevgen mused. “Another dragon prince tamed?”

“Yes,” Jaxx said. “Without hesitation or regret.”

“Any others with you?” Yevgen slid to look behind them. His eyes filled with electricity at the question.

“No, no others,” Salena said.

“This place is getting crowded.” A woman appeared from behind the monitors. She wore a black shirt with cross laces down the front from neck to stomach and tight pants with sleek boots.

“Payton!” Salena went to the cat-shifter princess and hugged her. “What are you doing here?”

“We’re missing a runner,” Payton said. She reminded Fiora of Grace. It wasn’t so much how she looked, but the way she carried herself. It couldn’t be easy being the rare female shifters on a male-dominated world. “He didn’t show to pick up his load of food supplies. I’m trying to find him.”

Yevgen’s sling turned and rolled closer to the monitors. He pointed to a screen to show Yellow Shirt. “He was looking into the man who stole the food simulators.”

“We saw him. Is that your runner or the thief?” Grier asked.

“Thief,” Yevgen said.

“Fiora might have a lead on the simulators,” Jaxx put forth. “Behind his stop, buried beneath the walkway.”

“How…?” Payton began. “Never mind. That’s amazing. Thank you.”

The monitor blipped, and Yevgen continued, “This is our missing runner. I fear he is dead. People who go missing in Shelter City tend not to be found.”

A familiar face appeared on the screen.

“That’s Brogan,” Fiora said.

“You know him? Does the Federation have him?” Yevgen asked.

“No. He’s on his way to the northern mountains with his sister,” Fiora said. “Brogan is safe.”

“Dulla escaped her husband.” Yevgen gave a small smile. Copyright 2016 - 2024