Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,35

makeshift city,” Grace said with a frown toward Salena. “We refuse to agree that city was anything more than a temporary settlement—to do so would be to accept the alliance. As long as it can be argued that the Cysgodians are not recovered, the Federation can stay. If you want my opinion, the Federation is keeping them sick. It’s why they refuse to give them medical treatment and food.”

“We can complain all we want about this political battle, but we all know who the real victims are. The Cysgodians should be allowed to choose their own futures, whether it be in space, Shelter City, or settled somewhere else on this planet away from Federation rule.”

Fiora closed her eyes. Their futures converged on her. She saw Grace running through Shelter City in a cloak with another woman. Fire lit the sky as a dragon flew overhead. Unfortunately, these images weren’t helpful.

Jaxx lightly touched her arm, stopping the visions.

She glanced up at him. “There are too many people in Shelter City. The walls cannot hold them all. I sense the restlessness.”

“Yes,” Grier said. “The city has grown beyond its intended size. The Federation keeps sneaking people into the city against the treaty, but we can’t prove it. We’ve long suspected that it happens the one night of darkness a year when the Draig are distracted with their sacred ceremony.”

“I don’t know if it helps, but they did not bring me here when the planet was dark,” Fiora said.

“The most immediate problem is that we need to get those food simulators established in the city,” Olena said. “If Cysgodians are risking leaving the city and traveling this far for food, then things have gotten worse than we realized. This has to stop.”

“Payton’s contact might have a lead on who stole the cache,” Salena said.

“We were just in Shelter City,” Grier said, stepping out of the cleaning droid’s way. When Yusef frowned like he would say something, he added, “I know we didn’t have permission, but we had to go to rescue Fiora.”

Yusef audibly sighed. He looked as if he wanted to scold them like children but held back. “Just don’t tell my brothers you were actually inside the actual valley city. Hopefully, you were not seen, and no more needs to be said. It’s bad enough that you were spotted breaking into the stronghold.” He gave a meaningful look at Grace. “And you, especially, cannot be caught in the city. Your father—”

“I can handle myself,” Grace interrupted, stiffening in her seat and coming forward.

“Oh, I know you can, fierce one. You have nothing to prove to me, but we cannot help the burdens we are born with, and yet they are ours to carry.” Yusef crossed over to her and placed his hand on her cheek. “You did not ask for your destiny, and for that, I will be forever sorry. I don’t expect you to take comfort in the fact you helped to save all shifters before you were even born and continue to save them now.”

Grace nodded and averted her eyes. Fiora could feel the anger and frustration coming off her in waves.

“And if that wedding day ever comes, I’ll do whatever I can that is in my power to stop it,” Yusef stated.

“No,” Grace whispered. “You won’t. I won’t let you. If that day comes, it means there are no other options.”

“We don’t need to talk about this.” Jaxx took the attention from his cousin. “Let’s focus on what we need to do now.”

Grace gave Jaxx a slight nod of thanks.

“If we recover the simulator cache, and add the load we just received, we should have enough units to feed everyone,” Jaxx continued. “Whoever stole them hasn’t turned them on, so they’re not distributing food. Cyborgs scan the city and the borders. If they detect the units, they’ll punish anyone hiding them and destroy the simulators. If they catch people leaving the city to retrieve food supplies, they’ll kill them. It’s hard finding someone willing to risk it but we do have a few brave food runners.”

“Or the thief is paying off someone to overlook the fact he’s turning on a food simulator,” Salena said.

Fiora moved away from Jaxx. A prickling of apprehension ran up her spine as a new timeline came into focus. She heard the crunching of plants beneath her feet. “Someone will be passing by the house. Through the woods. They’re lost and going back and forth, desperate not to be seen. They are carrying…” She closed Copyright 2016 - 2024