Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,28

time I want out of the palace, it’s because the Var princes are visiting. Maybe I just want out of the palace. Why should the men in the family have all the fun?”

“Because you usually are avoiding the Var princes when you leave the palace,” Grier answered under his breath.

“Don’t make me light you on fire in front of your new bride,” Grace said. She turned back to Fiora. “You were saying?”

Fiora instantly answered without hesitation, “Now I know too much about the people of Shelter City and their factions, beliefs, threats, that the information in the general’s hands could prove very dangerous.”

“You’re very…” Grace studied her, “accommodating.”

“You’re very aggressive,” Fiora countered.

“She only speaks the truth,” Grier said as if Fiora’s claim against Grace amused him.

“My sister can’t lie. It’s physically impossible,” Salena explained. “Even when we were kids all it took was one question from my parents, and Fiora told them every misdeed.”

“Stop asking her questions, Grace,” Jaxx ordered.

“What? Are you like her protector now?” A half-smile curled on Grace’s lips. “I have a feeling Fiora can speak for herself.”

“Fiora is under my—” Grier began.

“Yes,” Jaxx stated, cutting off his cousin. He pulled Fiora close to his side. “I am her protector.”

Fiora looked up at him.

Grace’s smile widened by degrees. It didn’t take a psychic to see the mischief in her. But, Fiora could also sense her pain and loneliness. She wondered if anyone else saw it, or if the impression came from the visions. “Is he more than your protector?”

Fiora didn’t want to answer. “Yes. I find myself attracted to him, both physically after we landed and I followed behind him in the palace, and he was completely naked, and mentally since I discovered his touch—”

“Ah! Stop.” Grace pretended to gag as she cupped her ears. “I don’t want to hear it.”

“—for some reason has the power to stop my premonitions from flowing,” Fiora finished. “I’ll probably have sex with him on multiple occasions while I have the opportunity, but sadly the future isn’t looking great right now.”

Jaxx cleared his throat.

Grier chuckled.

Grace opened her mouth but then shut it without saying anything.

“You asked,” Salena said, hooking her sister by the arm to lead her down the path away from the palace. “How are you feeling? You look better than when we arrived.”

“Better. Frightened.” Fiora glanced at the trees as the forest became thick. The trees grew wide and tall, with leaves big enough to wrap around her body. If they were to cut one down, a spaceship would be able to land on that single trunk. “Happy to not be eating nutrient paste and getting daily booster shots to amplify my premonitions.” She glanced at the path. The compacted red dirt contrasted the small yellow plants growing along each side. “Being near Jaxx helps. I’m not sure what it is about him that stops the visions, but it might be because he has a death mark.”

Salena stopped suddenly, causing Fiora to realize what she’d said.

“Death mark?” Grace demanded. “Is that what it sounds like?”

“Jaxx?” Grier insisted.

“It’s nothing,” Jaxx dismissed.

“Fiora?” Grier gently took her arm so she looked at him. “What does it mean that Jaxx has a death mark?”

“I don’t want to answer you,” she said, only to add, “but his future is silent. I see nothing when I look forward, only darkness. That always means one thing. There is no future.” She drew her eyes to Jaxx’s dark ones. “I wish it were different.”

What she didn’t say is that she hoped in changing the fate of Shelter City, they might find a way to change his destiny as well. Though, darkness meant his death was sooner than that of the Cysgodians. They still had timelines to show her.

“Maybe you’re wrong,” Grace insisted, her expression begging Fiora to recant.

“This isn’t about me. This is about helping Shelter City,” Jaxx said. “Payton has a contact in the city. I think I know where to find her. She can take us there, and maybe then we can narrow down which timeline will be the most useful to trace.”

“Yevgen?” Salena asked.

Jaxx nodded.

“Payton took me to see him. That’s how we found you,” Salena told Fiora. “Yevgen monitors the city and knows everything that is happening. He might be able to help you fill in the gaps. I’m pretty sure I can lead you to where he lives.”

“Yes. I agree. Yevgen. That way we’re not caught roaming the city aimlessly,” Grier agreed. “Salena, I’d like you to stay with Grace when we Copyright 2016 - 2024