Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,22

on her shoulders.

“Stop,” she finished with a deep inhale.

Warmth spread down her arms, and everything became still. The echoes of distant screams silenced completely. All dread dissipated.

He let her go and took a step back. The murmur of her promotions instantly flooded back.

She reached for him, placing her hand on his shirt. It didn’t work like anticipated, and she slid her palm up to press to his bare neck. The sounds again stopped. She tried with her opposite hand on his cheek. The same reaction happened.

Fiora stared at the contact. She released him, and the visions came back. She touched him, and they left. She released him and then touched him, over and over, testing the results. The connection turned the feelings on and off like a switch.

“What are you?” she whispered, her hands on his face.

“A dragon-shifter,” he answered, confused. “A Draig prince. My father is a prince and brother of the king. My grandmother wanted all of her grandchildren to have the royal titles, not just Grier and his brothers.”

“What is this?” she insisted, staring at where her hands cupped his face.

“Uh…?” He didn’t pull free of her hold. “It is my face.”

Her thumb moved closer to his lips as he spoke. In the calm, she shifted her focus from inside her head to the feel of his skin, and the shadow of a beard that had started to grow. Heat radiated down her arms. Her headache lessened.

“I don’t want to release you,” she whispered.

“I don’t want you to,” he said.

“There is silence in you.” She worked her fingers against his cheeks, not breaking contact. “I’ve never seen this before.”

He mimicked her actions, cupping her face. The contact startled her, and she reached to cover his hands with hers. She felt his wrist. The intimate touch of him holding her caused a shiver to work its way over her, and she slowly pulled his hands away.

“I’m sorry. I should not have overstepped.” She didn’t want to release him. “Please pass the appropriate apologies to your wife.”

“Wife?” Jaxx arched a brow.

She reluctantly released him, and the undercurrent of screams returned, more noticeable now that she’d gone without hearing them.

Fiora gestured at his wrist. “My sister told me about your customs. She said that the unmated men wore crystals on their wrists or necks to signify their status. I have seen them on some of the people here. You do not have one.”

“I do not have a wife,” he said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. When did you lose her?” Fiora asked.

“There is no her,” he explained.

“My apologies. Him. When did you lose him?” she asked.

“There is no him.”

“Then…?” She wasn’t sure what to say.

“I am not mated. I simply choose not to wear my crystal. It’s a long and complicated story.”

“But then how will your dragon know if you are to be mated?” Fiora asked. “I know my sister was only telling me about local culture to take my mind from my premonitions, but I admit, I find the whole concept of glowing crystals to be fascinating. Do you really choose who you are to be with by using a stone? How does that work?”

Jaxx nodded. “Yes. That is how our marriages are decided. It is an old tradition, but one that never fails us. It is simple. A crystal glows when we are next to our potential mate. It’s said to be an amplification of what we already know.”

“But you don’t wish to be married?” she asked.

“Of course I…” He lowered his gaze. “I’m not sure what I want matters.”

“Because of the death mark,” she concluded. Fiora sighed. “I’m sorry. I hate myself sometimes. I don’t want to say these things. I just can’t stop them.”

“You do not need to keep apologizing to me,” he said. “I understand that you cannot temper your words. I find it refreshing.”

“Refreshing.” At that, she gave a surprised laugh. “I don’t think anyone has ever called my conversation refreshing.”

“You appear exhausted. Is there anything I can do to make your stay here easier?” Jaxx looked as if he wanted to stay even as he moved toward the door.

“Don’t leave,” she blurted.

“You wish for my company?”

“Yes. Actually, you’re right. I’m exhausted.”

“So, you do not wish for my company?”

“I wish for you to let me touch you while I sleep. Something about your skin calms the visions, and it’s so quiet. I think, maybe, if you were here, I might not have the nightmares.” Fiora bit her lip. “I know it’s a strange request, and it takes Copyright 2016 - 2024