The Marenon Chronicles Collection - By Jason D. Morrow Page 0,62

and his dagger hung at his belt underneath his cloak. He hoped that there would be no need for the sharp weapons tonight, but he wouldn’t hesitate to use them if necessary. He was no cold-blooded killer, but he would kill to protect his identity and his life.

If anyone recognized him sneaking through the castle, the Dunarians would be implicated and there would be a campaign set against them. They could not take an all-out war against the king and his army. It would be the end of the Dunarians. Julian knew it was worth the risk, however. Every member of the council knew the risk and was willing to accept it. Having the medallion was key to winning any sort of fight against the Stühocs. It was the only way to create the weapon.

Julian wondered again about the weapon. The thought of something that could make a small group of people take control over a large world made Julian shiver. He almost didn’t want anything to do with such a thing, but the notion of taking down the Stühocs sounded good. Surely, it would be worth it. Surely, they would be unstoppable. Yet, being unstoppable is what scared Julian the most. That much power could easily corrupt. Julian thought specifically of Ward Holden. Could Holden be trusted? Was there a chance that he would use it against anyone other than the Stühocs? Julian shook away the thoughts. He didn’t need to worry too much yet. The Dunarians only had possession of one medallion, which was last in the custody of Garland Ainsley and now, hopefully Kaden Osric. If everything went as planned, they would have two that night. If Julian’s hired mercenaries paid off, then they would have three. There were only three more after that.

Another medallion, the orange-jeweled relic of power, was to the northeast, possessed by the Nestorians in Voelif. Nalani was currently planning a mission to steal it from them, and if Alric and his group did well in obtaining the medallion from the Anwyns, then perhaps they would serve well in stealing from the Nestorians. It would be pricey, but worth it. The last medallion, the Erellens held close to them. The Erellens probably thought the Humans didn’t deserve to have the medallions.

It was a known fact that Humans were not supposed to exist in Marenon. The Stühocs did not belong in Marenon either. Some Humans came to Marenon when they died in their previous life and according to Erellen history, this had only been happening for the past several thousand years. There was no account of a Human coming to Marenon after dying of old age, or for any natural reason, but only when their life had ended prematurely. There was no explanation for this. It was a mystery to Humans and Erellens.

The Stühocs were an odd sort. Julian had been told that they somehow jumped from world to world, trying to conquer every being they could. They had been attacking and trying to take over Marenon for several years before the Humans came. Why they came, no one knew. Who the first Human was, no one knew. It was not recorded in Erellen history and there were no known texts of prophecy ever referring to the Humans before their coming. And for some reason, in Marenon, they could not reproduce. No Human could be born. Many tried to carry on their name in this world, but it was impossible. Another sign to us saying, ‘you do not belong here’, Julian thought.

He gazed upon the castle as it came into view. He often wondered why his life was cut so short, if only to grow up in Marenon, in the castle. To some, coming to Marenon was a second chance at a new life. To Julian, it had been more like the beginning of his first life. So far, it was not the life he would have chosen, but he often reminded himself that it was the life he was given regardless of how he felt.

It had been the same story for his brother Morgan, and their father’s life had been cut short too. Ruben never had the chance to become an old man in either world. Julian would not rest until he could prove the true nature of his father’s death in Marenon. He was sure Morgan’s leech of an advisor, Spencer, had much to do with it. And Spencer may have been lying, but he had said Morgan knew the truth. Julian Copyright 2016 - 2024