The Marenon Chronicles Collection - By Jason D. Morrow Page 0,284

The clouds started to churn and spiral downward until three funnel clouds touched the ground. The wind howled and the enemy soldiers began to look around frantically, most of them unable to move because of the dense crowd.

The tornados picked up hundreds of Stühocs and Nestorians at a time and threw them to a quick death.

Though hundreds were dying, Julian wasn’t satisfied.

He reached down to the mud beneath his feet and gently caressed it. The ground responded to his touch by rumbling beneath him. Julian had never seen the Stühocs so terrified. The earth shook violently and cracks snaked all across the vast field. The shaking became so severe that the cracks turned into huge crevices, swallowing the enemy by the hundreds.

Julian concentrated harder until a geyser of liquid fire erupted from the depths of Marenon’s core. The lava clung to the enemies’ skin even though they tried to do everything to extinguish the pain, but Julian did not relent in his action. He called up more fiery springs in various locations across the field.

Many of the Stühocs and Nestorians tried to retreat, but Julian only called more liquid flames to block their escape.

Two of the twisters caught the fire, sucking the flames toward their centers. The tornados lit the sky as though it was midday.

Julian scanned the field until he spotted the enemy leader, Mintuk, the Nestorian Sleeper. Julian flew at a blinding speed until he stood feet from the General. He felt a smile form at the corners of his mouth because he knew the Sleeper had no indication of Julian’s presence. The Nestorian was moments from a painful and shocking death and didn’t even realize it.

Mintuk tried to give orders, but with the deafening sound of the storm and the soldiers screaming in pain, none heeded him. With only a slight thought, Julian conjured a lightning bolt, striking the Nestorian through the top of the head and out his feet.

Julian’s smile turned into a laugh as he watched the flames dance wickedly on Mintuk’s wooden mask. Mintuk fell to the ground lifelessly, but Julian called for another bolt, then another until all that remained of the disgusting creature was a blackened, charred body.

The Nestorians and Stühocs were in a complete panic.

Now that their leader was down, and retreat would be impossible. It was time for Julian to finish the battle.

He moved himself over to the city where many Dunarians still fought for their lives. All of them had to know that something strange was happening outside the city walls. Julian sent bolts of lightning on Stühocs, Nestorians, and what remained of the voracious Humans that only wanted flesh. He had to be precise here, for he wanted no Dunarian to suffer the same death as the opponents.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Darius Umar. Stühocs had surrounded the battle commander, and no other soldier was near to help him. One blade against ten. If Julian didn’t help him, the man wouldn’t stand a chance.

Julian floated near him, but stopped. Darius wanted Julian’s head. He wanted Julian to die for what he had done to the Dunarian Council. Darius might be the only person who would still stand against Julian after he helped them win the battle.

Julian had no obligation to save the man. If Darius was going to try to kill Julian later, why should he save him now?

Julian watched as one of the Stühoc’s blades caught Darius’ shoulder, and the man fell backward. It was almost as if they moved at a slow pace, allowing Julian to think about his decision longer. The sword fell from the commander’s hand as his body hit the ground. Each of the ten Stühocs raised a weapon in an effort to bring down the defenseless warrior. Julian shook his head. He had let men die before. He couldn’t travel this road any more. He knew it would destroy him.

With a thought, the ground rumbled beneath the crowd and a stone pillar formed out of the city street raising Darius’ body twenty feet into the air and knocking the Stühocs backward.

Darius lay safely at the top of the newly formed column, injured but out of reach. If the man wanted Julian to die, then that was something Julian would have to face at a later time.

He scanned the city for more victims. His work was not finished.


Alric shouted like a madman as he cut down the Stühocs, one after another. The gray-skinned monsters had found where Copyright 2016 - 2024