The Marenon Chronicles Collection - By Jason D. Morrow Page 0,250

who made bets at the gauntlet would often try to escape when they lost. Damon wasn’t worried. Even if Silas died, which Damon knew would not happen, all he had to do was change his appearance into someone else.

The new arrivals were released into the gauntlet. A dragon instantly incinerated the first couple to come through the door. Damon moved along the top of the gauntlet wall, watching Silas intently. The deafening sound of moans from the crowd did not distract him. Silas was quick. Once they were past the dragon, the players came to the spikes. Those left from the dragon attack were now hidden under a ceiling that served only to make the crowd nervous. Most didn’t survive the spikes. Sure enough, only three couples came through the end of it. Damon was not surprised to see Silas among them.

The three groups came to a split in the road and they all took their own path. Silas and his partner took the middle. Damon watched as the two walked down a path, blocked from view until the roof opened to reveal swordsmen surrounding the pair. Garland had obviously taught Silas how to fight.

What a great asset he would be, the voice said.

One by one, each of the fighters died by Silas’ hands. Hroth was right. Silas would be a great asset. Damon continued along the wall until he reached the end. The gauntlet had been finished fairly quickly and most of the disappointed crowd shuffled back to the city.

“William! William!” The sound came from behind Damon. “Your winnings! If I may say so, your prediction was perfect.”

I know, Damon thought. “Keep the winnings.”

Damon didn’t take notice of the man’s stunned look as he turned and walked down the stairs into the city. The prisoners would be set free soon, and Damon had to get to Silas.

Steady yourself, the voice said. You will not take the boy today.

Why not?

Do you really trust yourself to try?

Damon thought about it a moment. Hroth was the Possessor. He had turned Damon. Why would he be asking this?

Because you know yourself, the voice answered. I know your thoughts. You see the boy and you don’t want to bring him to us.

But I do!

Only partially.

The gate at the end of the gauntlet opened and Silas walked out with four other individuals. All of them were bloody and beaten. Damon stepped forward with the crowd of people hoping to get a look at the survivors. Guards motioned for the citizens to go about their business, but Damon ignored them. He walked closer and soon came within twenty feet of Silas.

Part of you wants to leave the Stühocs, the voice said.

I don’t know why, Damon answered.

Of course you know why. This is your first test. We will need you in the coming months. If it comes to it, you will be Silas’ final trap. You will be his downfall.

I can bring him to you now, Damon thought angrily.

You will not. You have seen what he can do. His status as Deliverer has been proven. Today you must prove to me that you can control yourself. This is the first time you have seen him. You have done well so far.

Damon watched Silas as he talked with a man in the shadows. The man had a thin beard and looked mischievous. Silas had nowhere to go, so the man was probably offering him help, perhaps in exchange for work.

Should I find out who that man is? Damon wondered.

Leave them, the voice answered. Silas will come to us. We must be ready for him.

Damon took a deep breath. He could feel his hand begin to shake. The image he had taken on began to fade as he started losing his concentration.

I didn’t expect these feelings, Damon thought.

I did. That is why it is important for you to maintain your composure.

The other Sleepers will know I failed if I don’t come back with Silas. They think that is why I was sent to the Hall of Wandering Souls – to capture him.

Do not worry about them, the voice said. You are doing what I instruct. I will tell them that you never saw him; that perhaps he used a different name when called upon by Judoc.

Would Anithistor approve of this? Damon wondered.

It’s not your place to question what the king would approve or not approve. The others might be confused, but you will be absolved if they interpret this as a mistake on your part. First and foremost, we Copyright 2016 - 2024