The Marenon Chronicles Collection - By Jason D. Morrow Page 0,208

that it was not the time to talk about what happened between the two of them.

They had kissed each other. It had been a moment that Silas had wanted to share with Inga for the longest time, but he never thought it would actually happen. She had bared her soul to him that night. Telling him about how she had died on Earth was a very personal subject to talk about, but she had offered the information willingly to him.

For the better part of the hour, they walked through the city without speaking, over bridges and around waterfalls. When they were together like this, they didn’t need any words. It was just nice to be in each other’s presence. To be able to walk around without having to worry about assassins or to think about the responsibilities as Meshulan felt refreshing. Inga had a way of making him feel like he was just like anyone else.

On top of one of the many bridges throughout the city, they stopped and watched the mesmerizing waterfall gush downward toward them. When the wind blew, they could feel the cool mist brush across their faces. After several long moments of silence, Silas turned to her and looked deeply into her eyes.

“I hated the timing of our capture the other night,” Silas said.

Inga smiled. “Me too.”

“Is it still there?”

“Is what still there?” she asked, sweeping the hair out of her face.

“The feelings that we had. I know that I still have them.” He stepped closer to her and she stood her ground.

“Wouldn’t it be awkward to kiss with two guards standing over there?” she said as she motioned to the pair at the end of the bridge.

Silas looked back to see Teymus pretending to be paying attention to something else as he bit at his fingernails. The female guard was unwavering, however.

“Ah, I don’t care about them. They’re just here to make sure we don’t leave the city.”

“Maybe,” Inga said. “My guard might try to stab you if you kiss me.”

“I doubt it,” he said as he leaned in even closer. He closed his eyes, ready to press his lips against hers for the second time, but it didn’t happen. Inga pulled away suddenly and stepped back a few paces, still facing Silas.

“I’ll tell you what,” she said, bending down to pick up a few small pebbles. “If you can produce that green shield I’ve been trying to teach you, then I will kiss you.” She held up the rocks. “You’ve got three chances.”

“Then I guess I’ll never get to kiss you,” Silas said with a smirk.

“We’ll see about that. Just concentrate, like I taught you!”

Inga jumped back a few more steps and waited for the go-ahead. Silas shook his head, half-smiling, knowing he had his work cut out for him.

“Ok,” he said as he pulled his arms behind his back and closed his eyes. “It’s all a mindset. It’s all a mindset. I’m being attacked by a horde of Stühocs. Maroke is throwing little pebbles at my face.”

Inga laughed loudly at this, breaking any sort of concentration Silas might have had. She put a hand over her mouth apologetically when Silas pretended to glare at her. He closed his eyes again. This time he could feel the surge within him. He knew he would be able to produce the shield. He opened his eyes, feeling the magic flow through him. Was this what it felt like to be transfixed? He didn’t know and he didn’t care. All he cared about was the shield. He watched as Inga pulled back her arm, then slung it in a forward motion. The small rock came sailing at his chest. For a moment he just knew it would ricochet off his newly created shield, but it never materialized. The pebble bounced off his chest harmlessly.

He shook his head back and forth, trying to concentrate. Again, she threw a pebble and again it hit him in the chest. This simple exercise began playfully, yet Silas couldn’t help but think of how weak he was with magic. How was he supposed to be this deliverer when simple magic failed him? His grandfather had given him so few answers. What was wrong with him? Wasn’t the Meshulan supposed to have power? Weren’t Erellens supposed to have sensitivity to magic? He guessed that it didn’t matter. He was only half Erellen. He was the son of a dead Human and a dead Erellen. He was alone. There was no one here in Copyright 2016 - 2024