The Man's Outrageous Demands Page 0,44

off. “I had a fine childhood,” she said.

He knew better. He could tell she was hiding something because her eyes were now shielded from his in a way that spoke volumes. He understood what she wasn’t telling him. “But it was filled with protocol?”

Marabeth moved the food around on her plate, avoiding eye contact with him. “There were many reporters taking our pictures wherever we went. Sometimes it became awkward. But that’s the life one leads when you’re a royal, I suppose. It was difficult to avoid.”

“Don’t you think that’s going to happen with your,” he said and smiled briefly, “I mean, our children?” He’d heard the possessive pronoun when she was using it but wanted to make a point of the fact that they would be having children together. The sooner she accepted it, the faster they would move on to the better part of their relationship. He wanted her in his bed and just the thought of her there was making him ache.

Marabeth wriggled in her chair slightly. “First of all, I haven’t agreed to have children with you,” she said primly. “And secondly, I hope I can protect them from the press a little more. My father liked to show off his children. But I think I’d prefer a more private family life.”

Sam wasn’t having any of that. He wanted complete agreement on their marriage. Her words indicated she was still trying to wriggle out of their agreement. “You agreed to marry me,” he said sternly. “Who do you think you’re going to have children with if it isn’t going to be me?”

Marabeth smiled. “I guess I found one of those buttons, haven’t I?” she teased.

He didn’t rise to her teasing, too frustrated suddenly to respond. “Yes. Now answer the question, Marabeth.”

Marabeth put her fork down, fearing that he would see her suddenly shaking hand. “Sam, I still don’t really know you. I don’t know what you want from our marriage or what you’re like when you’re not being a commander. So no, I’m not going to answer your question. I don’t know what the future holds and neither do you.”

“He stood up and came around the table, watching Marabeth’s eyes get bigger as he pulled her up and out of the chair. “I think you need a demonstration of what our marriage is going to be like,” he said moments before his mouth descended onto hers.

Marabeth tried to evade his mouth but there was no time. His lips were hard at first but when she shivered with fear, he relented instantly and softened the kiss.

“Tell me you want me,” he ordered.

“Sam…” she said, trying to think but his hands were holding her so closely that she could feel his reaction on her stomach. The hard confirmation of his erection both scared and excited her.

“Tell me,” he said. “And don’t play games, Marabeth. I can feel it in your body,” he said and bent down to kiss her again. He nibbled on her ear lobe, then moved to her neck. “Tell me,” he said, more softly this time.

“Sam…” she started again and this time, her arms wrapped around his neck and she sighed her surrender. “Yes, I want you but…” she wasn’t given a chance to finish her sentence.

Sam picked her up and carried her down the hallway. “What are you doing?” Marabeth asked, horrified that someone would see them like this.

“I’m taking you to your apartment,” he said and shouldered his way in. Leaning against the doorway, he looked down at her face again. “Tell me that again,” he ordered.

Marabeth was too afraid of the look in his eyes. “I don’t think I can when we’re here.” She said, her whole body trembling at the desire she saw in his eyes.

Sam noticed the fear and let her legs slip down his body. “Don’t be afraid of me, Marabeth,” he said and dipped his head to gently kiss her. His hands soothed her back, barely touching her as he controlled the urge to toss her onto her bed and make love to her with all the passion he was feeling. He knew she was feeling it as well. He could sense it buried deep inside her and knew it would just take patience to teach her how to let it go. But if there was one thing Sam was very good at, it was patience. He knew she hadn’t seen very much of that so far, but he would take it slow tonight even if it killed Copyright 2016 - 2024