The Man I Thought I Trusted - E. L. Todd Page 0,6

He rubbed the back of his neck, his mood turning sour like Charlie’s.

Charlie rested his hand on top of his glass and looked down at the golden liquid inside. “I did everything I could to protect her from getting hurt, kept as much integrity as I could through the process because I did love her, and a part of me always will, but I can’t make any more sacrifices for my happiness. I waited long enough to pursue what I really want. I can’t put any more time on hold for somebody else. Maybe that makes me sound like a jerk, but I don’t care anymore.”

I was literally in the middle of this whole ordeal, the nucleus that pulled everything close together. I could just step aside and let Charlie figure it out, but I suspected it would break hearts on the way. I wanted my hands to remain clean, but not if it caused more pain.

He spoke again. “How would you feel if this were you and Dax? That the only man you really want is off-limits because Kat used to date him?”

If I couldn’t have Dax, it would be unbearable. Now that I’d allowed myself to really feel again, I’d realized how deeply I’d fallen for him.

Charlie stared at me, silently telling me exactly what he wanted me to do.

I dropped my gaze down to my glass and stared at the red wine that warmed my stomach as I sipped it. “Fine…”

Dax turned to me, slightly confused by my statement.

Charlie angled his body away. “Thank you.”

“What just happened?” Dax asked, his eyes moving back and forth between Charlie and me.

Matt answered. “They just did one of the weird telepathic things they do.” He pointed at his eyes then pointed between us. “You know, talking without actually talking.”

Charlie directed his gaze to Dax. “She’s going to tell Kat the truth.”

I released a quiet sigh. “And I’m not looking forward to it at all.”

We watched the game in the living room, enjoying slices of pizza and beer.

Dax had already become one of the guys, fitting into our group so perfectly, even if we weren’t seeing each other.

“You can’t be serious.” Dax sat forward with his arms on his knees, looking at Charlie in the armchair. “He’s not the best quarterback in football history. A couple Super Bowl rings don’t mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.”

Charlie fired back. “But there’re a lot of teams that have never won a Super Bowl ring, and that means a lot.” He pointed at Dax with the neck of his bottle before he turned back to the television.

Jeremy and Matt sat together on the other couch, cuddled close as they drank their beers and relaxed.

Dax shook his head. “I don’t agree. I think there’re a lot of other quarterbacks who have more talent.”

“The guy is pushing forty,” Charlie countered. “Most guys retire in their early thirties, if not before.”

Dax continued to disagree. “Not quarterbacks. I still think the guy’s overrated.” He turned back to the game and watched the TV.

I sat beside him, and with my hand across his thigh, I gave him a gentle squeeze that told him I didn’t care to listen to him argue about football with my best friend.

That immediately got his attention.

He turned back to me, showing a special look in his eyes that he only gave to me, like I was the morning light at dawn. “I’m not paying enough attention to you, am I?”

I shook my head and squeezed him a little tighter as my fingers glided closer to his crotch.

His eyes darkened before he leaned in and kissed me, a slow and seductive kiss like nobody was there to witness it. When he pulled away, he rubbed his nose against mine. “Is that better?”

I nodded. “A bit.”

There was a knock on the door before it opened. Denise stepped inside, wearing black leggings with high brown boots and a loose white sweater.

Charlie was about to take a drink of his beer, but he stilled just so he could stare at her. He looked like he wanted to shove his fist into his mouth—and bite down hard just to control himself.

It was impossible that she wasn’t aware of Charlie’s obsession, but she continued to act like she had no idea. “Hey, guys. Any pizza left?”

Charlie seemed too spellbound by her appearance to say anything, so I did the talking. “Just a few slices. Beers in the fridge.”

She walked to the fridge and opened it.

Charlie turned Copyright 2016 - 2024