The Man I Thought I Trusted - E. L. Todd Page 0,58

her gaze.

“I’m not going to come back here again and try to talk you into coming back. Carson isn’t going to come either. We can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do, and if that’s how you really feel, I don’t know what we can do to change it.”

“So, you came here to tell me this is my last chance?”

I shook my head. “No. I came here to tell you that Dax and Carson are engaged.”

She quickly lifted her chin and looked at me, the emotional response undeniable.

“Carson is really happy, and I know she would be even happier if you were there for her right now. We’re moving on with our lives, and you’re going to miss it if you stay away. I don’t know if that changes anything, but I thought you should know. Carson has always been there for you, and now it’s time for you to be there for her and celebrate this moment with all of us.”

She seemed to have been struck speechless because she didn’t say anything. Her hand rubbed her other arm as she digested the news that her former best friend was getting married.

“We’re going to do something simple for the ceremony in about a month. I know it would mean a lot to Carson if you were there. But if you aren’t there, I don’t think anything will ever be the same again. So if you still value your friendships and are willing to push through everything, this is the time. You’re on the clock.”



It was a big change, going from my apartment to a penthouse.

But it didn’t feel weird because I already spent a lot of time there. Whenever I came home and he wasn’t home from work, I didn’t feel like I was in his space, but my space.

Our space.

I raided the fridge and made a snack and sat with my computer at the dining table. I was definitely cleaner and more organized than I used to be because I wanted to respect his space and our relationship. But maybe in a few years, I would go back to my old ways.

I handed all my paperwork and information about Kerosene Pharmaceuticals back to Vince so he could give it to a different reporter. It was a little hard to give up all my research, but I knew I was doing it for a good reason.

It didn’t feel like a sacrifice, but rather a compromise.

Besides, my new assignment was still interesting. I would interview celebrities and influential people, write editorial pieces that exposed people on a deeper level. It had nothing to do with crime or scandals, but it was still a respectable line of work.

I was grateful.

And I would still get to see Charlie every day, so that was a plus.

Now that there wasn’t so much urgency to do research, my mind wandered, and I looked at wedding dresses online.

The elevator beeped before the doors opened, and Dax walked inside wearing his suit. He had a satchel over his shoulder with his laptop and paperwork. Tall, strong, and sexy, he looked like a powerhouse in that suit.

Seeing that man every day I came home from work was not a bad way to live my life.

His eyes softened when he looked at me at the dining table. “This is nice.” He approached the table as he slid his hands into his pockets. “Seeing you right when I walk in the door.”

“I feel the same way.”

He leaned down and kissed me, giving me seductive and slow kisses that made my body melt. He straightened before he pulled out the chair and took the seat beside me. “How was your day?”

“Good. I told Vince I wanted to be reassigned.”

He gave a slight nod but didn’t look surprised. “And you’re okay with that?”

I nodded. “My first interview is with the prime minister of France, so not bad.” I turned my open laptop so he could see my web browser. “I got kind of distracted, but I’ll get back to work eventually.” I closed it and pushed it aside.

He smiled with those dark eyes instead of his lips. “That makes me happy.”

“The lingerie I pick out will make you happy too.”

Now he did grin with his lips. “I’m sure it will.”

“And how was your day, honey?” I spoke to him like a doting wife.

He moved his hands to the surface of the table and then interlocked his fingers, displaying his expensive watch. “It was okay. I told Renee.”

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