The Man I Thought I Trusted - E. L. Todd Page 0,52

workout clothes, and so was Denise.

“Is that safe?” Matt asked.

“We’re going like ten blocks.” Denise got into the back and sat on one of the boxes. “It’ll be fine.”

Charlie joined her and then Matt.

I walked to the doors so I could close them.

Matt glanced at the front where Dax was getting his safety belt on. “You think he’ll give me a ride sometime—”

I shut the doors in his face then got into the passenger seat.

“Ready?” Dax turned the key in the ignition and got the engine going.

“Yep,” I said. “Looks like I’m your copilot.”

Effortlessly, he merged into traffic and drove through the city without even having a back window. He didn’t seem flustered at all, driving the huge boxy truck through town. He even placed one hand on my hip as he maintained control of the vehicle with the other.

“Thanks for doing this,” I said.

“No problem, sweetheart.” He looked at me, wearing that handsome smile. “Thanks for moving in with me.”

“I think I’m the one who should be thanking you. I get to live with a super-hot guy.”

“True.” He looked ahead, still grinning. “And I usually do fifty push-ups the second I get out of bed.”

“Ooh…I’ve never seen that.”

“Because I’m too busy paying attention to you.”

“Wow, I should have moved in sooner.”

He chuckled and kept driving.

We eventually pulled up to his building, and the two doormen stared at us like we didn’t belong there at all. They were both wearing stuffy suits with bowler hats. But when Dax got out, their demeanors completely changed.

I opened the back doors so everyone could come out.

Matt turned to me. “Did you ask him about the Bugatti?”

I rolled my eyes and handed him a box. “I’m not going to ask him that.”

“I’d be happy to give you a ride, Matt.” Dax came around the other side, not the least bit bothered by my friend’s obsession. “We’ll take it out of the city so we can really get some speed. I might even let you drive a little bit.”

Matt almost dropped the box. “I think I might love you.”

Dax chuckled then grabbed a box to carry inside.

I smacked Matt when Dax walked away. “Tone it down, would you?”

“What?” Matt snapped. “Like he doesn’t already know.”

We all grabbed a couple things and carried them inside the building. We all got into the elevator and rose to his penthouse, where the double doors opened to reveal his luxurious living room. I told them to be cool about it, but that didn’t happen at all.

All three of them stood there with wide-open eyes, like they couldn’t believe what they were looking at.

Dax stepped out of the elevator first to carry the box down the hallway.

“Holy shit,” Charlie said. “Just his living room is bigger than our apartment.”

I ignored the comment and stepped inside.

Matt spoke to Charlie. “I can’t believe Carson gets to live here.”

I turned around and looked at him. “I’m moving here because of Dax—not where he lives.”

Charlie stepped farther inside and scanned the area, checking out the eighty-inch TV on the wall and all the paintings. “Yeah, but…still. You’re one lucky-ass bitch.”

After we put all the boxes in the bedroom and Dax dropped off the van, we gathered in the living room for sandwiches, chips, and drinks. The TV was on and played the game. We were tired from moving all day, but once we had some food in our stomachs, we started to lighten up.

“So, is it weird that you won’t be going back to the apartment after this?” Charlie asked as he stuffed his hand into his bag of chips.

I took a look around at the spacious place, the full kitchen that could easily be used to cook a feast for twenty people. The dining table had a glorious view of the city, so I could sit there and write in the evenings as I watched the lights from the buildings. “A bit. But it also feels like home.”

Dax sat beside me and placed his hand on my thigh as he leaned in to give me a kiss on the corner of the mouth. “It feels more like home to me than it ever has before.”

“Give it some time,” Charlie said ominously. “Good thing you have a housekeeper.”

“Might need to hire a second one,” Denise teased.

Matt held up three fingers. “Make it three.”

I rolled my eyes as they teased me. “They’re exaggerating.”

“Wouldn’t care if they weren’t.” His arm moved around my shoulders, and he pulled me close, looking at me like I was the Copyright 2016 - 2024