Mama and the Alien Warrior (Treasured By The Alien #1) - Honey Phillips Page 0,7

been on the ship. As best she could tell, it had been two weeks since they were taken, and she knew no more about their destination now than she did on her first morning. As she grimly considered the possibilities, Lucie shoved her elbow into her side and she winced. Her daughter had slept with her every night since they had been taken, and while she loved having her close, she was restless sleeper and Abby’s nights were not peaceful.

The days had settled into a monotonous routine. The aliens still insisted on separating the babies once the girls fed them, although they brought them back on a regular schedule. When Kwaret was on duty, he allowed them a longer period with the infants, but even he eventually insisted that they return them to their cribs. It never got any easier to watch them be silently carried away and her heart ached every time she considered that one day soon, it would be a permanent separation.

She dreaded the day they would take Tiana as much as if she were truly her mother. The little girl had rapidly wound her way into her heart.

Other than worrying about the future, keeping Lucie busy became Abby’s biggest challenge. Although the girls all tried to keep her occupied, an energetic four-year-old wasn’t suited to one-room living. To Abby’s surprise, Kwaret also helped. He provided Abby with a few markers and some paper, along with a small globe of some type of rubbery substance which served as an adequate ball. So far, they’d managed to keep the small toys hidden from Commander Khaen.

The leader had returned on the second day demanding proof that the babies had been eating. He then ordered Elaina to feed the red-headed baby, now named Ginger, before she fed Mikie. Of course, Abby had protested, but he only gave her a cold stare.

“The female product is more valuable. If the breeder does not comply, I will eliminate the male product.”

Appalled by the commander’s threat, Abby had had no choice but to urge Elaina to comply.

At least Elaina had plenty of milk and didn’t struggle like Cassie. TeShawna was feeding the other new baby, now called Lily, as well as her own Vanessa, but after three days of watching Cassie trying to feed Angel, TeShawna went and stood over Cassie. “Hand her here.”

“No, she’s mine.” Cassie glared at the bigger girl.

“Not if she starves,” TeShawna said coldly before her face softened. “Girl, she’s still gonna be your baby. I’m feeding half the world anyway. Might as well add her to the list.”

Cassie relented and Abby had breathed a silent prayer of relief. Now all of the babies were thriving, even Tiana, who kicked her arms and legs happily whenever she saw Abby coming.

Abby continued to worry about Molly. The young girl seemed to get thinner and more distant every day, retreating into herself. Unlike Amber, who frequently put her hand on her stomach or talked about baby names, Molly seemed as removed from her impending child as she was from the rest of the girls.

By her calculations, both girls had less than a week to go. When she had asked Kwaret if the ship was equipped for childbirth, he had stuttered nervously in a way that did not give her confidence. She found herself torn between hoping they would arrive at their destination, which presumably would have more sophisticated medical facilities, and fearing what that destination would bring.

Their fate was another subject that made Kwaret stutter. The one piece of information she had dragged out of him was that because the girls had already proven themselves to be breeders, they would be of great value and well treated. But where did that leave her? She’d never had a child and her age made it less likely that she ever would. But if she needed to sell herself as a breeder in order to keep Lucie safe, that’s what she would do. As she grimly considered her possible fate, an alarm sounded.

Red lights began flashing in the corridor, along with the piercing shriek of the alarm. Lucie started to cry as the girls sat up, confused and frightened. Abby put her arms around Lucie and rocked her soothingly but her eyes went to the next room. The babies had been awoken as well, Mikie already red-faced and obviously squalling even though they couldn’t hear him. Although Tiana wasn’t crying, her eyes were open and scared.

“What’s happening, Mama?” Lucie sniffled as she started to recover Copyright 2016 - 2024