Mama and the Alien Warrior (Treasured By The Alien #1) - Honey Phillips Page 0,63

the health of the infants.” He nodded to Hrebec. “They are not needed, but you may bring your guards as well.”

“Thank you for the offer,” Abby said.

“You are most welcome. I have duties to attend to, but I will speak with you soon.” He dipped his head, another gesture that accented his avian heritage, and walked away with his hopping gait.

“Do you think that would be all right?” she asked Hrebec. “To bring everyone here? If they want to come?”

“Would you like that?”

“I think it would be nice for everyone to have some fresh air. And this is really an amazing place.”

“Then I will take care of it,” he promised. Ignoring the fact that his men were watching, he pulled her closer. “I do not wish to leave you, my mate.”

She didn’t protest the term this time, despite her doubts for the future. Instead, she slid her hands up to his broad shoulder. “I don’t want you to leave either, but you need to get our girls. I’ll be fine.”

“I know you will.” He bent his head and kissed her until she was breathless, then rested his brow briefly against hers. “I will return.”

“I’ll be waiting.” She watched him leave and then, ignoring the averted eyes of the guards, went to join Amber.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Hrebec took the flyer back to the ship, arriving just in time to feed Tiana. Lucie was unusually petulant, demanding her mama and unhappy with having to wait while he fed Tiana. She finally burst into a flood of tears. He only managed to console her by perching her on his other knee while he gave Tiana her bottle.

She sniffed but nestled closer and poked the end of the bottle. “I wants a bottle.”

His chest ached at her unhappiness, and he kept his voice gentle. “You’re a big girl now, Lucie. You don’t need a bottle.”

“I don’t wanna be a big girl.” Her lower lip was out.

“Yes, you do. That way you can help Mama.”

“But Mama’s not here.”

“We’ll see her soon,” he promised. “And she’s going to need all your hugs and kisses. She’s worried about Molly.”

“I likes to help,” she admitted.

“I know you do.” He found that truth to be bittersweet, that he knew her so well in such a short amount of time. “Can you help me now by picking out something for Tiana to wear?”

“I wants to stay here with you.”

He wanted her to stay too, but he knew she spoke only of the moment. He wanted his girls with him always.

He ran his tail over Lucie’s soft hair. “You can sit with me until she’s done. Why don’t you tell me what you did with Pravit?”

Happier now, she told him how she had “helped” the cook make the mid-shift meal.

It took much longer than he had anticipated to gather the females and the infants and the supplies, but they finally arrived at the medical facility. As he had expected, Jedan and Inzen had both chosen to accompany him. He had left Sedlit in charge, reassuring himself that the young officer’s duties were minimal and comforted by knowing that Pravit was still on board. Pravit might not be an officer, but he had both experience and common sense, and he could be trusted to watch over the younger men.

He found Abigail standing in the corridor, and at the sight of her, he felt a surge of pleasure and relief. If this was what a short separation felt like, how could he bear it when she finally left him for Earth?

Lucie went flying up to Abigail, her voice echoing in the corridor. “Oh, Mama, I missed you!”

“I missed you too, baby,” she said, swinging her up into her arms.

As Hrebec drew closer, he realized that her cheeks were wet. “Abigail, is something wrong?”

She sighed and leaned into him as his tail pulled her to his side. “No, these are happy tears. Amber just had a beautiful little girl.”

“Another girl? Yay!” Lucie cheered, and they both laughed.

“You can be a big sister to her too,” Abigail said.

“But not like Tiana. Tiana’s ours.”

“Yes, she is,” Abigail said, looking at him rather than the infant strapped to his chest. His throat grew tight.

“Do you know where our room is located?” he asked.

“Yes, L’chong showed it to me earlier.” She shot him a mischievous glance. “I think you’ll like it.”

The room turned out to be a spacious suite with a living area and two bedrooms separated by a bathroom. At the sight of the second bedroom, he understood her Copyright 2016 - 2024