Mama and the Alien Warrior (Treasured By The Alien #1) - Honey Phillips Page 0,50

mating bond is much more than just a physical relationship.” He looked at her. “You can feel the connection with the other person, even if the relationship is never consummated.”

Well, shoot. Where exactly did that leave her and Hrebec? She thought back to her attraction to his scent and the faint hint of repulsion when confronted with another’s, her desire to be with him, and just a general feeling of rightness when he was with her. Even as she had gone about her business this afternoon, part of her had been searching for his presence, and her only comfort was knowing that he was on the ship.

Would she continue to feel the same way when she was back on Earth? Would no man ever feel right? For now, her life revolved around Lucie and the girls, but some part of her had assumed that someday, in the future, she might meet someone. She had never thought it would be an alien captain.

“But it’s not permanent, right?” She searched his expression for reassurance. “They’ll both get over it once they’re apart.”

Hrebec hesitated. “I do not know how it will work for a human.”

“How does it work for a Cire?”

“Mating bonds are permanent,” he said, a touch of longing in his voice. “But I do not know at what point that occurs.”

“But it’s not through—” she lowered her voice even more. “Not through sex?”

“I have had sex before,” he reminded her. “I felt no bond then.”

He had told her that previously, so why did she feel there was something he wasn’t telling her?

Tiana had been resting quietly against Hrebec’s chest, big eyes taking in her surroundings, but now she started moving her head and rooting against his chest.

He stiffened as his eyes widened in alarm. “What’s wrong with her?”

Abby couldn’t help but smile. She loved Hrebec’s determination to be a good father. “She’s hungry. Do you want to feed her here or go back to the cabin?”

“Let us return to our cabin.”

As he rose to his feet, Inzen appeared at his elbow. “Captain, may I speak to you?”

Hrebec gave the older man an irritated look as he began to move past him. “I was about to feed our—my daughter.”

Inzen moved with him. “It will only take a moment.”

Hrebec squared his massive shoulders and scowled at his chief engineer, but she stepped forward and reached for Tiana. “Hrebec, it’s all right. I’ll get her bottle ready.”

Glancing down at Tiana, his expression softened. His hold on the baby tightened—a quick hug—before he passed Tiana to her. His tail swept over the baby’s head, caressing Abby’s hand as well.

“Thank you, Abigail,” he said, his dark eyes holding her in a steady gaze.

“Go ahead,” she said reassuringly. “We’ll see you soon.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Inzen was as good as his word. When Hrebec returned, Abby had just finished preparing Tiana’s bottle and was trying to supervise Lucie’s bedtime preparations. Unfortunately, Lucie was objecting to everything. She didn’t want to take a shower; she wanted a bath. She didn’t want her pink jammies; she wanted her new white ones. She didn’t want Abby; she wanted Hrebec.

As soon as he walked in, Lucie threw herself at him. He had entered the room looking more solemn than she’d seen him since their very first encounter, but when Lucie rushed over and hugged his legs, his face softened.

His tail curled about Lucie, hugging her back. “What’s the matter, little one?”

Lucie mumbled into his legs. “Mama’s being mean.”

“I don’t believe that for a minute,” he said firmly.

Abby sighed. “She doesn’t want to get ready for bed.”

He lowered himself onto one knee before Lucie. “But if you don’t get ready for bed, I can’t tell you a story.”

“A story?” Her eyes went big.

“Yes, but only once you’re all clean and tucked into bed.”

“I’s can do that!”

“That’s a good girl.” He kissed her head before she danced off towards the bedroom.

“You do have a knack with her.” Abby shook her head while she handed him Tiana and the bottle. “Will you feed her while I go supervise Lucie before she sets the ship afloat?”

“What if she won’t take it from me?”

“Here, try this.” She handed him her cardigan. “Wrap it around her first.”

“You think it’s scent?”

“I think that’s part of it.” The sound of running water came from the other room. “I have to check on Lucie. If it doesn’t work, I won’t be long.”

Feeling slightly guilty, she abandoned him to his fate. However, by the time she had Lucie in her pajamas and into bed, Copyright 2016 - 2024