Mama and the Alien Warrior (Treasured By The Alien #1) - Honey Phillips Page 0,39

by them, but they were all the same to him. He never fixated on one the way he has with Molly. And he would never have waited for one.”

“But she’s going back to Earth.”

“And he will have lost his mate.”

She wondered if the desolation in his voice was entirely about his ensign. There was an ache in her own heart that she preferred not to think about.

Forcing a smile to her lips, she reached up and ran her fingers along that strong jaw. “Maybe we should stop worrying about them. At least for tonight.”

He almost visibly pushed away his concerns and smiled down at her. “I am a fool. I have a beautiful female in my arms—I should be paying attention to her.”

“Yes, you should.” She reached down and stroked the nub-covered tail that had curved around her waist. “Should we try some more forbidden things?”

A very long, pleasurable time later, Hrebec carried his sleeping woman to bed. He had made her climax twice, first with his tongue and then with his tail, before he allowed himself to succumb to her wicked hands and spill his seed onto the pale curve of her stomach. Their scents mingled in a heady mix that had his cock in a state of constant aching hardness. He suspected it would remain that way unless he ever had the ecstasy of being inside her.

As he went to put her down, her eyes fluttered open. “I need to put some clothes on.”

“Why? You look most delightful this way.”

“Thank you. But I need to be prepared in case one of the girls wakes up and needs me.”

“Very well. Stay here.”

He left her on the bed and went to his locker, pulling out an old shirt, soft with age. She looked at it, then at him, finally shaking her head and raising her arms so he could drop it over her head. As expected, it was much too large for her small body, but he still felt an immense satisfaction at seeing her in his clothing.

“You really like seeing me in your clothes, don’t you?” she said with a smile and a quick stroke of his once again aching erection. Before he could respond, she removed her hand. “Now you put something on too. Just in case.”

By the time he returned, her eyes were closed. He pulled Lucie’s feet away from Abigail’s stomach, then took Tiana out of the horrible container and placed her on his chest. She blinked drowsy dark eyes at him and went back to sleep. Gazing at her, he turned over the events of the day in his head until he finally decided on a course of action. Satisfied, he went happily to sleep.

Unfortunately, he did not remain asleep for long. The sound of Lucie moaning penetrated his slumber.

“Mama, I don’t feel good,” she said pitifully, just before she spewed a foul liquid over half the bed.

He managed to keep Tiana out of the way, but his side and pants were soaked.

“What’s wrong?” he asked Abigail frantically. “Shall I send for Mekoi?”

He was halfway to the message panel before the calm reasonableness of her voice stopped him. “Just wait a minute. What’s the matter, baby?”

“My tummy hurts,” Lucie said, sounding close to tears.

His heart pounded. “The medic—”

“Calm down, Hrebec. What did she eat for dinner?”

“For dinner?” He tried to force aside his alarm and concentrate. “Just flodan pastries.”


“That was all. She said she liked them the best.”

“You let her eat nothing but sweets?” Abigail rolled her eyes. “No wonder she threw up. I should make you clean all of this up.”

“Of course I will. But that is why she is ill? Because of me?” Shame and horror filled him. How could he have failed at his responsibilities so badly? He looked down at Tiana, sleeping so trustingly in his arms. Would he fail her as well? “I am unfit to be a father.”

“It’s just a rookie mistake—a new parent mistake.” Abigail began stripping away Lucie’s night garments, her face serene. Did she really not blame him? “Why don’t you put Tiana in the bassinet and go grab some clean bedding? I’m going to pop Lucie in the shower.”

He gave the little girl a worried look, but she was already looking better. While Abigail bathed Lucie, he hurried to obey her request, remaking the bed with clean, sweet smelling linens. He then washed at the small sink in his office and changed his own clothing. When they returned, Lucie bounced up to him, her usual Copyright 2016 - 2024