Mama and the Alien Warrior (Treasured By The Alien #1) - Honey Phillips Page 0,23

not looking at her, although Abby couldn’t help but notice that his tail kept creeping in TeShawna’s direction.

“TeShawna, why don’t you get the rest of the girls and we’ll all go back to the lab for more bandages?”

“Yeah, okay. And what about some food for us? I need to keep up my strength.”

“You are hungry?” Mekoi looked appalled, his gaze whipping from the now vacant corridor directly to TeShawna.

“Well, yeah. Those Veckians, or whatever you called ‘em, at least fed us regular.”

“I am truly sorry for my thoughtlessness.” In his agitation, he had forgotten to control his tail, and it was now patting TeShawna’s wrist. She gave it a bemused look, but Abby noticed she didn’t object. Somehow, Abby wasn’t altogether surprised when Hrebec’s tail wrapped around her own wrist briefly before he pulled it back.

“I will take you to the cook,” Hrebec said. “You can advise him as to what would be most suitable for your females. I will have it served in my ready room so you will be undisturbed.”

“Thank you, l—”

“Mama! You’s been gone forever.” Lucie appeared at the door of Cassie’s cabin and immediately came flying towards her.

Since Abby still held Tiana, she braced herself, but Hrebec intercepted the small body and lifted Lucie up against his chest.

She gave him a sunny smile. “You’s been gone forever, too.”

“We were tending to your sister,” he said gravely. A lump appeared in Abby’s throat at his easy acceptance of her claim on both girls. “Your mother and I were about to arrange for a meal for the rest of you.”

“Good. I’s starving.”

“It’s just an expression,” Abby said quickly as horror crossed his face and his tail came up to circle Lucie’s waist. “Don't exaggerate, Lucie.”

“But Mama, my tummy is empty,” she said with a pitiful look.

“Then we must remedy that at once,” Hrebec said, obviously impatient to feed her daughter.

Abby rolled her eyes but nodded. “Fine. TeShawna, please go get the other girls and take everybody to the lab for supplies. Then I’m sure that Mekoi can bring you to this ready room?”

“Of course.”

“Dornic, you will accompany the females as well,” Hrebec ordered. “If you begin to attract undue attention, contact me immediately.”

“Yes, sir.”

The words were hardly out of his mouth before Hrebec’s tail was at Abby’s waist, urging her gently but firmly towards the stairs.

“Make sure Molly goes with you!” Abby called over her shoulder before she gave in and let Hrebec take her away.

An hour later, Hrebec circled the young warrior in the ring, fighting the desire to return to Abigail and ensure that she and her daughters were adequately fed. He was still appalled that he had neglected to provide for their comfort. The fact that it had occurred because of the necessity of feeding the infant did not appease his conscience.

Taking advantage of his distraction, his opponent managed to get him in a partial hold. Hrebec cursed under his breath but forced himself to concentrate, sending the other man flying in three controlled moves. A soft gasp came from the entrance and he looked up to see Abigail and Lucie standing in the opening. A hush spread through the room.

Dismayed that the females might be upset by the violence of his actions, he flipped out of the ring and went to meet them. As he approached, he noticed that Abigail looked far from dismayed. She bit her lip and her eyes dropped down over his body. He realized that he was clad only in brief training shorts, as were the rest of his men. At her avid gaze, his shaft started to respond and he firmly forced it back under control. Since he did not want her looking at anyone else with the same degree of appreciation, he moved to block her view of the room.

Lucie bounced excitedly. “I knewed it. I knewed you was Leonardo.”

He frowned at Abigail and she laughed. “Leonardo is a… superhero that she’s seen on television. A fictional character.”

The child thought of him as a hero? His shoulders stretched back with pride. “I am most honored.”

“Can you teach me how to do that?” Lucie added.

“Females are not warriors.” The very idea appalled him.

“Why not?” Abigail straightened at his words, and he had the distinct feeling that he had said something else to offend her.

“Because they are to be cherished, protected.”

“A woman has to be able to protect herself.”

“But that is a male’s job. It is his honor and his privilege.”

She gave a bitter laugh. “Yeah, well, sometimes no male Copyright 2016 - 2024