Mama and the Alien Warrior (Treasured By The Alien #1) - Honey Phillips Page 0,14

as gravity disappeared. Still keeping her and Lucie tucked against his chest, he moved them through the tube with a few quick flicks of his tail. They were through the second hatch within seconds, and he set her down in front of him. Before she could step back, his tail reached out, wrapping around her waist and pressing her against his body. She was acutely conscious of a very hard ridge against her stomach.

Hrebec released her immediately and she stepped back, her cheeks flaming. Don’t look, don’t look. But it was impossible to resist and her gaze dropped to his very obvious—and very large—erection. Her eyes flashed to his face and he looked as embarrassed as she felt.

“I apologize,” he said stiffly.

“Just try to keep that thing under control,” she said, even though her nipples had tightened into hard points and there was an aching awareness between her legs she hadn’t felt in a long time. Of all times for her suppressed sexuality to emerge, it had to be with a massive green alien…

The others followed them through the tunnel and she welcomed the distraction. Mekoi, of course, assisted TeShawna and Vanessa, and both of them emerged with flushed faces. The rest came through quickly, except for Molly, who she could hear asking about Ribel. Abby came close to handing Tiana over to TeShawna and going back to fetch the foolish girl herself when she emerged from the tunnel. Only the sight of Molly’s woebegone face made her bite her tongue.

“If you will follow me,” Mekoi said, “I will see about providing the suitable equipment for the infants.”

“Equipment, huh?” TeShawna raised an eyebrow and ran an entirely too suggestive look down Mekoi’s body as his tail lashed.

Abby prayed she hadn’t been as blatant when checking out Hrebec.

“Let’s go, girls,” she said firmly.

TeShawna winked at her, but they all obediently turned to follow Mekoi. Before she could join them, Hrebec’s tail touched her arm very briefly. When she frowned at him, he nodded at Lucie.

“Abigail Wentworth, the little one is asleep. Would you care to put her to bed first?”

She hesitated, watching after the girls as they disappeared down a long grey corridor then looking back at her daughter, who was lying limp against Hrebec’s massive shoulder.

“I suppose that makes sense. Lead on, Macduff.”

“My name is Hrebec.”

“It’s a quote from—never mind. Lead on, Hrebec.”

Instead of following the girls, he turned to the right and took her up a small flight of stairs. They opened onto a small landing. To one side, she could see what looked like a meeting room. Two doors lined the other side.

“Lieutenant Jedan and I are the only ones who have cabins up here. She will not be disturbed,” he said as he approached one of the doors.

“Wait a minute. Your cabin?”

“It is the largest one. I thought it would be best since you have two children.”

Before she could protest, he opened the door panel into what looked like an office. Like the rest of the ship, the room had grey metal walls and flooring, but the furnishings gave it a more personal feeling. A gorgeous wooden desk, polished wood gleaming in the dim light, dominated one side of the room, with an array of cabinets behind it. On the other wall was a small couch and a set of shelves with an assortment of colorful objects.

Hrebec opened a door panel at the rear of the room to reveal a surprisingly large bedroom. Of course, it needed to be large in order to accommodate the massive bed. She had a sudden vision of Hrebec’s big body sprawled across that enormous mattress and felt a return of that disturbing attraction. She could feel her cheeks heating but fortunately, Hrebec was preoccupied with laying Lucie in the center of the bed, and covering her with a blanket.

Her daughter looked so small, lying in the center of the big bed. She didn’t want to leave her alone, but she needed to check on the other girls and the shirt wrapped around Tiana felt suspiciously damp.

“Do you have a monitor?” she asked. “So I can hear if she wakes up?”

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking thoughtful, and then disappeared back into the office, returning with two bracelet-like devices. He placed one next to the bed. “These are communicators. I have set this one to transmit so you will be able to hear through the other one if she calls out.”

“Thank you.” She tried to put the device around her Copyright 2016 - 2024