Making of a Scandal - Victoria Vale Page 0,45

she felt wretchedly unsteady, and it had nothing to do with the rock and sway of the carriage carrying them across town.

How had she ended up in this situation? Oh yes, it had all occurred quite by chance, though she felt certain whatever deities were in charge of her destiny were having a bit of fun with her circumstances.

The day had begun as expected. After receiving a round of morning callers, Calliope had changed her clothes for an afternoon walking the corridors of London Home for Foundling Children along with Diana, who was also a patroness of the orphanage that thrived on the charity of others. She looked forward to her monthly visit, despite knowing she would have to endure the company of her courtesan today. When she had asked why it was necessary for him to accompany her, he’d insisted that it could only aid their cause.

“A man who shows interest in the endeavors of the woman he is courting sets himself apart. Besides, ladies who sit on charitable boards can be counted upon to gossip. If I am seen escorting you to the foundling home, who do you suppose will hear about it in short order?”

“Mr. Lewes,” she had replied, grudgingly admitting to herself that he was right. It was one thing for them to be seen dancing or sitting together at a dinner party, and quite another for it to appear as if he’d become enamored enough with her to take an interest in her charitable efforts.

She had agreed to the outing, hoping he would not prove too much a distraction. That had been a gross miscalculation, because Dominick Burke was nothing if not distracting.

Why had she allowed him to touch her, and why could she not stop reliving the moment in her mind? It had been nothing more than the stroke of his finger down the back of her arm, and it had occurred one week ago. It shouldn’t matter. It didn’t matter.

Only … every night since it had happened, her mind took her back to that drawing room and the instant his bare hand had made contact with her skin.

That seemingly innocent touch on the arm had created the oddest reaction in her—one that had led to other thoughts. While she’d lain abed, she had closed her eyes and imagined him doing it again, only this time he would lean in to kiss her.

She’d experienced few kisses in her life, but had enough frame of reference to imagine how it might be with Nick. He wouldn’t be gentle, but neither would he assault her mouth. He had mentioned licking before, when saying those horrid things about taking her to bed. Only, after the way he’d touched her, the way his eyes had come alive with green tongues of fire, they didn’t seem so horrid. She imagined his wicked tongue stroking against her mouth, tracing the seam, outlining the contours of her lips.

Those imaginings only produced more of the baffling symptoms she only seemed to experience when he was near. Her belly fluttered, her throat tightened, and her heart hammered wildly against her sternum.

It was utter madness. She shouldn’t be thinking of Dominick this way.

Still, she carried on, doing her best to appear for all the world like a woman being courted by one of London’s most notorious scoundrels.

It didn’t help matters that he arrived for their outing looking as handsome as ever, sporting a fresh haircut and attire that flaunted the long, lean lines of his physique to their advantage. She shouldn’t notice how his shoulders stretched the seams of his coat. It wasn’t seemly for her fingers to itch at the sight of his artfully tousled hair, as if she longed to run her fingers through those sable locks.

She didn’t.

Calliope Barrington, you will get through this afternoon with dignity, and you will put these inappropriate thoughts out of your mind!

“May I ask what the purpose of our visit to the home is, and how long you expect us to be there?” Nick had asked as they’d waited for Hastings to join them.

Diana seemed impatient for her husband’s presence, annoyed with him for not finishing a meeting with one of his estate managers in a timely fashion. She’d stood near the window, arms crossed over her chest, paying them no attention whatsoever.

“We patronesses visit the home once a month to ensure all is running smoothly,” she had replied, trying to keep her tone light. “At that time, we tour the facility and take note of Copyright 2016 - 2024