Making of a Scandal - Victoria Vale Page 0,135

and news of babies. I thought I had it all under control. But this woman … she’s far more dangerous than I gave her credit for. Whoever she is, I don’t think her quarrel is with any of you.”

“How can you say that? We founded the agency together, and whatever concerns you, concerns the rest of us.”

“That is true, in a sense. But, I know for certain who her true target is, and it isn’t any of you.”

David halted, gaping at him in disbelief. “You?”

Benedict nodded, clenching his jaw tight as he remembered the subtle threat he’d been issued when coming face to face with the woman intent on exposing them.

“I can’t know for certain, but I’m still confident she doesn’t know who the courtesans actually are. Except for me.”

David muttered an oath under his breath, glancing about desperately as if trying to find the answer to their problem somewhere within the room.

“What are we going to do? I’ve been sending funds to my father, for him to use to restore the house and … I cannot lose my income, Ben, I can’t. But if she knows—”

“I think it best if you leave London for a while. You can’t be seen associating with me right now, none of you can. I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but we cannot risk the scrutiny. Nick’s little stunt drew too much attention, and I can’t say how, but I have a feeling it will come back to haunt us. It is better if none of you are publicly connected with me, until …”

Benedict pushed away from the mantel, and David watched him go back to the desk with his eyebrows raised, hands held out helplessly.

“Until when?”

“Until I can flush her out and silence her.”

David ran a hand over his smooth jaw, releasing a labored sigh. “Where am I to go?”

“Home. Visit your parents. I’ll send word when I can.”

“And what do you suppose I do about money in the meantime?”

Benedict waved a hand in dismissal. “I’ll find you a new keeper, someone you can service away from London—away from me and this entire mess. London isn’t the only place filled with women desperate for company. It will be fine, David. I need you to trust me to fix this, and you can tell no one what I’ve confided in you.”

“All right,” David murmured, rolling his shoulders as he seemed to calm. “All right … I trust you. I won’t say a word to anyone.”

“Good. Don’t return here again. I intend to spread word to the others as well. If the Gossip knows about me, then it’s only a matter of time before she uncovers my office. I won’t endanger Madame Hershaw or her girls.”

“Goddamn it. How are you going to do business?”

“Let me worry about that. I’ve got everything under control.”

As he took David’s shoulder and guided him from the room, he tried to look more confident than he actually felt. The truth was, it seemed as if everything was fast falling out of his reach, his friends, his business, his livelihood slipping through his fingers like water.

After seeing David off, he returned to what had been his office since the Gentleman Courtesans had first opened for business. With grim determination, he began gathering his things—concentrating on what was most important. The records of their clients, copies of contracts, proof of payments that had been made.

He’d sent for his carriage an hour ago, so when Madame Hershaw came to inform him that it had arrived, he was ready to depart.

The woman stared about the space that now looked like nothing more than a feminine study, her wrinkled face marred with a frown. She accepted the roll of bank notes he pressed into her palm—the final monthly payment for letting of the space, as well as her assistance in helping them avoid detection. He’d added a bit more to ensure she would continue keeping their secret, and she had vowed to feign ignorance should anyone come here asking about the Gentleman Courtesans.

“Are you certain you wish to do this?” she asked. “I hate to see you cave in to intimidation.”

Benedict gave her a rueful smile. “So do I, but it’s for the best. I’m not going out of business—simply changing tactics. Besides, I’m sure you and your girls will be glad not to have us underfoot anymore.”

She chuckled and stuffed the money into a pocket of her apron. “Oh, I don’t know about that. There’s never been a dull moment, that’s for Copyright 2016 - 2024