Mail-Order Brides For Christmas - Frankie Love Page 0,51

Catriona that made her seem like a good match for me, but she hit the nail on the head. We’re meant for each other. We’re two souls that drifted through life without a real purpose until we laid eyes on each other. I believe that. I hope the beautiful woman beside me feels the same way.

“Hey, I want to show you something.” I reach over and take her hand.

“Okay.” She nods and stands up as I do.

“I know it’s cold outside, but we won’t be out there very long.” I lead her to the front door and open it.

“I don’t think you realize how cold it actually is.” She shivers as soon as the wind hits her.

“Seriously.” I put an arm around her, and we walk outside. “Look up.”

“What am I looking at…” Her words trail off as she glances up at the night sky. “Oh wow.”

“I bet you don’t get a view like that in the city.” I gently nudge her.

“No, I’ve never seen this many stars in the sky before in my life.” She stares in awe.

“I met a guy once who said he comes to Snow Valley every year just to stare at this sky.” I pull her close. “I’ve seen it my entire life, but never appreciated it before he told me that.”

We stare at the night sky for several minutes before I feel her start to really shiver, and we head back inside. We spend some time in front of the fire warming up before I mistakenly glance at the clock and realize how late it is. She has to be exhausted. It’s even later where she’s from, and she had to travel today.

“Are you about ready for bed?” I lean against her.

“Yeah, although the cold definitely woke me up!” She looks down and laughs.

“Give me a minute to shut everything down in here.” I break from our embrace and start turning off the lights.

I feel my heart begin to race a little bit as I walk down the hall with Catriona. A part of me wants to pull her into my bedroom and make my bed the only one she sleeps in for the rest of her life. Another part of me doesn’t want to rush straight into it if she’s not ready.

I don’t know if she was just teasing with some of the things she said. I’m about to find out. I’ll be at peace with it, no matter what. I’ve enjoyed every second that I’ve got to spend with her, and while my body craves more than a kiss, I won’t be upset if the anticipation lasts a little longer. She’ll be in my dreams, regardless.

“I guess this is where we say goodnight.” Catriona pauses at my door and looks toward the guest room.

“Yeah.” I nod and lean forward to kiss her.

It’s a tender kiss. Almost like the end of a great first date. Feeling her lips against mine reignites every bit of desire I’ve been feeling since I first tasted her kiss. I want to push for more, but I pull myself away before my hands can explore more than they should.

She looks so fucking beautiful in the dim light. The last image I’ll have before I step into my bedroom and close the door.

“Of course, if you asked me to stay…” She looks down and bites her lip.

“I want to.” I exhale sharply. “But you really should decide where you want to sleep tonight, just like I said. I don’t want to push you into something that you regret in the morning.”

“I don’t think I’ll regret waking up in your bed.” She looks up and meets my stare.

I push my door open and take a step inside my bedroom. It’s an invitation. I wait to see if she takes it. There seems to be a hint of hesitation in her eyes. I’m fine with that. I don’t want either of us to go through with this unless we’re both sure it’s what we want.

“It’s okay if you’re not ready.” I tilt my head slightly. “Today has been amazing, and it doesn’t have to end in here for me to be happy.”

“I’m…” She sighs. “I’m kind of scared how much I want it. The guy I told you about is the only one I’ve ever been with. We were together for several months before I was even ready to think about it.”

“I’ll wait as long as it takes.” I take a step forward and reach for her hand, then bring it Copyright 2016 - 2024