Mail-Order Brides For Christmas - Frankie Love Page 0,43

you’re ready for her or not.” He takes a bite of his food. “Surely you’re not going to leave the poor girl standing on your front porch when she shows up?”

“I just might…” I laugh it off, but I’m somewhat serious.

The conversation continues. My father has good intentions. I get it. My mother does too. She has six grown sons, and none of us are married. She wants us to find the kind of happiness she has with our dad. Saving Snow Valley just lines up perfectly with everything else that she’s wanted for her family.

Dad drops the mail-order bride business after working me over all that he can. Once he’s gone, I pick up the brochure again and flip through it for what feels like the millionth time. At this rate, I’m going to wear out the pages before my bride ever shows up on my doorstep.

I still don’t know if I’m going to let her in or send her packing.

Chapter Two


“Order up, Catriona.” A bell brings me out of my daze. “Table six.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Smith.” I nod to my boss and grab the tray filled with three orders of burgers and fries.

Table six. They’ve been nothing but jerks since they walked through the door. Three guys from the local university. Arrogant and condescending. It’s just my luck that they got put in my section.

I take the tray to their table and begin putting the burgers down.

“Okay, one medium-cooked cheeseburger with pickles and mayo.” I put it down in front of the guy who ordered it.

“Wait…” The guy beside him gives me a perplexed stare. “I ordered that one.”

“Oh? You did?” I blink a couple of times and move the plate over to him. “I’m so sorry.”

“No wonder you’re waiting tables.” The first guy shakes his head. “Too bad you can’t even get that right…”

“My apologies.” I ignore his comment and try to keep a smile on my face. “Well, if that wasn’t your burger, then I assume this one is. Well done with lettuce, onions and mustard?”

“No, that’s mine.” The third guy motions to me.

“Oh wait.” The second guy shakes his head. “That one was mine, shit I already took a bite of this one. We’re going to need another burger.”

“What?” I look at him in confusion.

“You said pickles, I thought that I ordered pickles, but I didn’t. That was Jay.” He pushes the burger he’s taken a bite out of in front of the first guy.

“Yep, the pickles were mine.” Jay nods. “I’m not eating it after he’s taken a bite out of it."

"Of course." I move the plate back to my tray.

They’re fucking with me. I can see them trying not to laugh. I had their orders right the first time, but they just want to make my life miserable. Why? I’m a waitress barely making minimum wage at a café.

“I should probably just speak to your manager.” The second guy nods. “Can you get him for me? This meal should be free since you fucked it up.”

“I…” My blood begins to boil. “Yes, sir. Right away.”

That’s their game. A free meal. As if they need it. The polo shirt Jay is wearing costs more than I’ll make this weekend in tips, and they certainly won’t be leaving me anything. All I can do is go tell Mr. Smith that the gentlemen at table six want to talk to him. He’ll comp their meal. He’s a pushover. Then he’ll take it out of my check because the customer is always right. I screw up enough on my own without having a group of arrogant jerks steal money out of my pocket. But what can I do? I need to keep this job if I want to pay my rent.

I just have to make it through the rest of my shift without strangling one of my customers…

Home sweet hell.

An apartment on the east side of purgatory that I share with a girl who deals drugs to pay her rent and another girl who smokes so much weed in the living room I get a contact buzz just walking through the door.

“What’s up Kitty-Cat?” My roommate Laura looks up from her bong long enough to acknowledge me.

“Just getting off work.” I force myself to smile. “Gina around?”

“Nah, she’s making her runs.” Laura laughs. It’s a stoner laugh. There’s nothing funny at all, but she finds everything hilarious. “Want to watch some TV? I just started the newest episode of South Park. It’s hilarious!”

“Maybe later.” I nod. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024