The Magnolia Sisters (Magnolia Sisters #1) - Michelle Major Page 0,49

sounded noncommittal. “I’ve got... There are... I’ll try.”

“Busy schedule?” Mal asked, his tone laced with amusement. She had a feeling she wasn’t fooling the mayor for one moment.

“Did Lucas talk to you about the chili cook-off he’s planning for Labor Day? We’d love to have Mayor Mal there as a celebrity judge.”

“I’m always available for a good cause.” Malcolm looked over Avery’s shoulder. “Betsy Perkins and Norma Hall are arguing about how much sugar to put in the sweet tea. I’ve got to go.”

“Mayor and mediator,” Gray said with a laugh. “Your work is never done.”

“True enough.” Mal tipped his hat. “There’s a band tomorrow night, too,” he told Avery. “If you’re here, save me a place on your dance card.”

“I will.”

She turned to Gray when Malcolm moved past them. “Thanks for the change of subject. It’s still strange that people think I should be so honored to be Niall Reed’s daughter.”

“He’s a big deal in Magnolia.”

“You think?” she asked, deadpan.

He waved the stuffed animal she’d given him in front of her. “Watch the sarcasm, woman. Or my attack bear will get you.”

Suddenly, Spot leapt from the ground, growling and nipping at the toy’s fluffy feet.

Avery laughed. “Looks like I’ve got my own guard dog. Sic ’em, Spot.”

“Finally Grayson Atwell has met his match,” a deep voice said from behind her.

Avery looked over her shoulder to see a couple approaching, the man in the same blue button-down and dark pants that Gray wore. The woman had long auburn hair and beautiful olive-toned skin. She was petite other than her adorably rounded belly, clearly signaling the third trimester of pregnancy.

Spot continued to bark, so Avery scooped her up to soothe her. She assumed the man referred to the dog, although his assessing gaze traveled between Avery and Gray.

“Not funny as usual,” Gray said, smiling broadly. “Avery, these are my friends Lucas and Jennie Michaels. Lucas has no sense of humor but he’s a damn fine firefighter. Jennie is his far better half.”

“More like my better three quarters now,” Lucas said. Avery laughed when his wife gave him a playful shove.

“Don’t make pregnancy jokes,” she told him. “Or you’ll force me to agree with Gray about your humor.”

“You know it makes me happy to have more of you to love.” Lucas wrapped his arms around Jennie, who let out a squeak of protest.

“More of me to love,” she muttered before smiling at Avery. “Did he just say that out loud?”

“Unfortunately,” Avery confirmed. “I’m Avery Keller. I’m...” She glanced at Gray.

“Oh, honey.” Jennie extracted herself from her husband’s embrace. “We know who you are.” She gave Avery a tight hug. “I’m sorry your dad was a piece of crap.”

Lucas laughed. “Jen. Boundaries.”

The apparently feisty brunette waved away her husband’s concern. “I’m pregnant. I get a pass on boundaries due to hormones.” She squeezed Avery’s shoulders. “I was also raised by a single mom, so I get deadbeat dads, although yours was one for the ages.”

Avery felt Gray shift closer, as if he wasn’t sure how she’d respond to Jennie’s blunt words. “Truer words were never spoken,” she said, nodding. She would have taken Jennie’s honesty over the artificial kindness she’d received from Annalise Haverford.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Lucas said, tugging his wife back a few steps and offering his hand to Avery. “Your dog is cute.”

“Thanks.” Avery shook his hand, unable to help noticing how handsome Gray’s friend was. Lucas was an inch or so shorter than Gray and had dark blond hair cut short. His features were ruggedly handsome, with dark eyes and a strong jaw. He looked like a man whose alter ego could have been a comic-book superhero, but his smile remained so friendly and open that his attractiveness almost took a back seat. “She’s not really my dog, though. I’m just fostering her for a few weeks and then she’ll go up for adoption.”

“Really?” Jennie reached out a hand for Spot to sniff, and the dog’s pink tongue darted out for an approving lick. Copyright 2016 - 2024