Magical Midlife Meeting (Leveling Up #5) - K.F. Breene Page 0,69

as nice.”

“I know. That had occurred to me. Someone is bound—”

A flash preceded what felt like a heavy hand slapping me sideways. I hit the wall headfirst, and blackness dragged me under.


My vision swam for a moment and my head pounded. Something wrapped around my body from my elbows to my knees, cutting into my skin and squeezing. Lifting me into the air at an angle. Hair cut off my vision, hanging in my face.

“She’s awake, sir!”

I craned my neck, finding myself in a circular area covered in couches and chairs. A common room, half the size of ours but laid out in the same way, with the kitchen at the back and an archway that probably led to other rooms.

“Well, well.”

The man from dinner, Chambers, walked up and stopped in front of me, his dress shoes shined up and his suit expensive, one hand in his pocket. He wore a smirk as calculated as that impeccable bow tie from the other night.

“We’re not supposed to battle until tomorrow,” I said, wheezing. I set to work healing myself immediately, checking on my team through the links. Austin was unconscious, but Niamh was awake and mad as hell. Mr. Tom mirrored her sentiment. Cyra seemed patient and Hollace equally so; they were probably waiting for the others to join them. None of them seemed worried about me. But then, why would they be? They could feel me, a little dazed, a bit confused, but otherwise fine, at the end of the tunnel they were in.

Edgar seemed groggy, so he would be good in a bit. That vampire was incredibly hard to keep down for long. Nathanial was coming along too, but Ulric and Jasper and the basajaun were lights out like Austin. All of them had been on the same side of the line and had clearly gotten the brunt of the spell.

I breathed slowly, keeping calm. They were just unconscious. On my radar but without emotions. I didn’t know when I’d learned the difference between sleeping and dead, but I felt it with an assurance that I didn’t question.

That I wouldn’t question.

I sent some healing energy through the links to speed things along. I didn’t want to drain too much of my energy, since I’d likely have to fight my way out of this, but I needed to make sure everyone else was okay first.

“I don’t think we’re going to battle at all, are we?” He motioned at me.

Feet came into my vision. Something tugged at me from behind. A rope, like what was wrapped around my body.

“Clever,” I said through a grunt as the ropes jerked me to an upright position. “Can’t magic my way out of a rope.” I thought about that for a moment. “Or can I?”

Chambers crossed his arms over his chest, looking me over. Three other people were in the room, one who’d just stood me on my feet, and two others loitering by the far wall, probably security in case something happened.

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked.

“Handling your shifters. I told you to bring a few people, not your whole posse, but no matter—they are handled.”

It hadn’t been Elliot who’d sent me that note at all. It had been Chambers. Thank God, because a situation like this with Elliot would’ve been much harder to navigate, I was certain.

I huffed out a laugh. “You think a few mages can handle Austin Steele, a phoenix, a basajaun, an alpha gargoyle, a thunderbird— Stop me when you realize what a terrible idea that is.”

“That polar bear will get an offer he can’t refuse. They all will.”

“Austin can’t be bought.”

“Oh no? What if I guarantee his brother’s safety? Word on the street is, Momar is through with that meddling shifter trying to organize. It’s a big, strong pack, but with my help, he has a way to take them down. And he will.” A vicious grin spread across Chambers’s face. “If I help. I have some experience in those matters. I could just as easily choose not to, of course.”

“What do you get out of it?” I gave him a shallow smile. “Me, right?”

“Obviously. The others are blind to how Elliot Graves works. They think he is bringing a lamb to the slaughter. That he wants a bit of fun with you before he teaches you a lesson for making such a ridiculous show of yourself. But he wouldn’t give a plaything the largest suite of rooms. I have it on good authority that he spoiled you rotten with Copyright 2016 - 2024