Magical Midlife Meeting (Leveling Up #5) - K.F. Breene Page 0,26

creature to have in my corner, but this has really taken me by surprise. I wasn’t ready for it.”

“It’s ultimately your decision,” Austin said, bending a little to catch my gaze. “But you should know that this is an incredible honor. This basajaun is essentially offering to add you—all of us—to his family. He is connecting us with the rest of the basajaunak the world over. You’re right about their usual attitude toward outsiders. They rarely bother with anyone but their own kind unless it is to get something they need or to claim vengeance for a perceived wrong. Usually their council of elders would need to approve of this decision, and maybe he got it to them somehow. Or he might just assume they’re on board. The thing he said about being led by the stars…he’s talking about fate. He thinks fate is guiding his feet—all of our feet—and their kind do not turn their backs on fate.” Austin glanced back at the basajaun, in his bow tie with his freshly braided beard. “If you take him on, you’d have the whole of the basajaunak at your disposal. You’d be their family, and they would protect you with their lives.”

My stomach dropped out of me. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what I could say.

Austin nodded slowly. “Yes, this is a big deal. A huge honor, like I said. It has happened occasionally in the past, but it is incredibly rare. You are on the precipice of securing a powerful ally.”

“But what if they refuse to honor the connection?”

“I’m sure they could cut him out of the family if it came down to it, but special allowances are made for situations like this one. The basajaunak really do believe in following the stars. From what I understand, anyway. I’m certainly no expert.”

“You think I’d be crazy to pass this up?”

“I think you need to be comfortable with your team. That’s the most important consideration.”

I glanced over at the basajaun, who was now eyeing the nearest flowers. “I mean…the hair…”

“I doubt he will want to sleep inside. That’s not really what they do.”

“Right, true. He was really good with Jimmy when he was here. And he’s always been nice to me, in his way… I mean, if I had thought he’d ever want the position, I totally would’ve offered, but it was just such a surprise that it threw me for a loop.”

“What will you do?”


I tore the privacy spell away and took a deep breath. “I usually do dress a little nicer for these things,” I said, offering the basajaun a nervous smile. “I’ll head up now and change. I’ve just had a lot on my mind—”

“Yes, with the trials ahead.” The basajaun nodded gravely. “I can help. I am as proficient under a mountain as I am atop one.”

“So…you know that Graves’s lair seems to be a collection of tunnels within the mountain, not necessarily below it, right?”

“Yes.” The basajaun frowned at me.

“Right. Just…making sure. Yeah, okay, sure, come inside. I’ll go get changed for the ceremony.”

For the first time in a couple weeks, the stress in my shoulders and the coiling in my stomach relaxed a little. Having the basajaun with us would be an incredible help, especially if he felt at home in the underground lair that would have the rest of us itching to escape. An incredible help. The fact that he’d actually sought out an invitation eased my mind too. He knew exactly what he was getting into, and he had chosen to add his name to the roster. That was good news.


“Hah!” I jumped and karate-chopped the air, three feet from Mr. Tom waiting near the table in my room. I could feel him both through the link and through my awareness of everyone on the house’s grounds, but given he was basically white noise to me, I never bothered to check his location.

Mr. Tom pursed his lips. “I do hope you will refrain from that method of attack once you are among the other mages. I can’t imagine it’ll be a good look.”

I let out my breath and clutched my chest. “You know I try not to use my magic in the house. The last thing I need is to accidentally kill one of you after a jump scare. Why are you standing in the shadows like a creep?”

“It is not creepy to wait patiently while conserving electricity.”

“Yes it is. Take a note.”

“You’re running late. The others are nervous Copyright 2016 - 2024