Magic Misled (Lizzie Grace #7) - Keri Arthur Page 0,49

that used the cry of an infant to attract his prey.

He frowned. “I thought Samuel said we’re dealing with a female, not a male.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be a female version. Or that she’s not using magic to change her appearance.” I accepted my mug with a nod of thanks and took a drink. “You’ve nothing to fear on the Samuel front, by the way.”

He half smiled. “I know, but I can’t always control instinct.”

“A werewolf getting all territorial over a witch? Impossible.”

“Not when said witch has invaded every part of my life, physically and emotionally.”

“Invaded is such a romantic word.”

My voice was droll and he laughed. “Conquered? Possessed? Seeped?”


He laughed again, then leaned forward and kissed me, long and slow.

“I adore you, Lizzie Grace,” he murmured eventually. “The day your path crossed mine was the best day of my entire life.”

It was probably as close to a declaration of love as he was ever likely to get, and my heart did a crazy little dance. “That would be the day you arrested my ass?”

“And a mighty fine ass it is too.”

“Here I was thinking you were too busy suspecting me of murder to notice such things.”

“I followed you through the forest, remember. It was impossible not to notice. What happened at your storage unit?”

I raised an eyebrow. “How did you hear about that?”

“Heard the call come in when I was escorting John to his new digs.”

“Ah.” I took another drink and quickly updated him.

He frowned. “How many people know what you hold in that unit?”

“Only our immediate circle.”

“What about the man Belle was dating? The one who was transcribing them?”

“Belle never told him about the storage unit, and he only ever saw a couple of the books.”

“Were they valuable?”

I hesitated. “I’d presume so, given their age and the fact that there’s nothing else around like them.”

“I’ll get Mac to talk to him, then, just in case.”

“I guess it couldn’t hurt.” Though it would probably be quicker and easier if Belle did. If nothing else, she could skim his thoughts and tell truth from lie. Not that she’d seen him recently—their relationship had been casual, but it had definitely fallen by the wayside after Monty had flattened Clayton when he’d tried to attack Belle.

The conversation switched to other matters, and time slipped by. Once we’d finished our drinks, Aiden rose and held out his hand. “Shall we head up to the bedroom?”

I raised my eyebrows, smiling lazily. “That depends entirely on what’s on offer in said bedroom.”

“Anything you want, my dear.”

“So the alpha is willing to let me take utter control over proceedings?”

Delight and desire shone in his eyes. “Absolutely.”

I laughed, put my mug on the coffee table, and then let him pull me upright. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and we climbed the stairs, his body so warm against mine and his touch electric, even through my clothes.

In the warm darkness of the bedroom, I stripped him off—tasting and nipping him every step of the way—then pushed him back onto the bed and slowly, teasingly, undressed myself. His desire burned the air, drowning me in its scent, filling my nose and my lungs and making me ache in ways and places I hadn’t thought possible. Once naked, I climbed onto the bed and straddled him. I caught his hands and held them lightly over his head before kissing him long and hard. After a soft warning not to move or touch me in any way, I worshipped his glorious body with lips and tongue and teeth, taking him to the very edge of release, then backing away, kissing him until the scent and urgency of his desire had banked enough to begin the whole process again.

When I finally took him deep inside, the air was so thick with need and hunger that it felt like liquid fire. He caught my hips, bracing me as he arched into me, driving upward again and again, his desperation matched by my own. I claimed every inch of him, wanting his heat, wanting his climax, wanting to feel it so very deep inside.

We came as one and, just for an instant, it felt as if this union was complete in a way that was more than just physical. Then that moment was gone and there was nothing but mind-blowing, body-shaking, utterly glorious satisfaction.

For several long minutes afterward I could barely breathe, let alone think or move. I simply rested my forehead against his, breathing in as he breathed Copyright 2016 - 2024