Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,10

off her, leaving me more fucking confused. I let her drag her bags inside. The moment she steps through the door, I’m back to looking at Liam for an explanation on the child-bride or the shot-up Range Rover.

“We were attacked,” he says, looking at the Range Rover.

That much was already fucking clear. I take out my cigarettes and light one up. Glancing over my shoulder, the noise the redhead is making with her suitcase has me tempted to help her. But I don’t.

Liam reaches into his suit jacket and hands me an envelope. I open it as he circles the vehicle.

I take a few more drags of my cigarette as I read the words on the piece of paper. “The child-bride comes with instructions,” I sneer.

It’s a CV about my bride-to-be whose name is Emma.

Emma, who plays the tin whistle. Riveting.

“So what’s with her hostility? All I’ve been hearing is how willing she is.”

“She nearly died. She’s in shock.” Liam’s explanation doesn’t sit right with me. It felt more personal, but it didn’t really matter.

“Did you see who attacked you?” I stuff the paper into my back jeans pocket and join Liam at the vehicle.

“Three men, all dressed in black. They were on motorbikes. I couldn’t chase them with Emma in the back.”

He didn’t give two flying fucks about Emma. I throw the cigarette on the ground and stomp on it before picking it up and placing the butt in my jacket pocket.

“Did you just arrive?” Liam faces me now, done with analyzing the vehicle. Now it’s my turn to be under the cunt’s scrutiny.

“Yeah, I had to take care of a few things up North.”

My face still hadn’t healed. I had no intentions of voluntarily giving him an explanation of what happened.

“I’m not sure what side the attack came from, but considering your face, did you happen to annoy anyone while up North?” Liam, the cheeky bastard, doesn’t hold back.


“ I was cage fighting.”

“Did you happen to annoy anyone while cage fighting?”

I take a step towards Liam, he doesn’t flinch, but I’m sure I see a spark of humor in his soulless eyes. “What would it matter if I pissed someone off? How would that cause a retaliation of this degree on you or the child-bride?”

Liam’s lip tugs up. “You sound so worried about your future wife.”

“I don’t give two flying fucks what she does or what happens to her, as long as she’s alive walking down the aisle.”

Liam’s lips return to their normal resting place, and he nods. “I’ll find out who did this.” He takes the three steps off the porch and gets into his vehicle. I return to the house to see all the suitcases are no longer in the hall. She’s stronger than her tiny frame would suggest. I take out the piece of paper that Liam gave to me and scan for a date of birth. It doesn’t give me one; it just says her birthday is in March, and she’s a fucking Pisces. That’s the kind of information I wanted on her.

I close the doors and climb the stairs. I didn’t have time to see the upstairs, and that’s where Emma has taken all her bags. My da’s earlier warning about not marrying her and not trusting Liam replays in my mind. I had no idea who shot at them, but I am just hoping it isn’t my da’s doing as a means to stop this.

Emma’s suitcases are stacked in the first room that is still covered with sheets. I don’t see her and knock on the door.

“I didn’t get a chance to tidy up before you came.” I step into the room when she doesn’t reply. There are sheets over everything, and I pull the nearest one off to reveal a large blue wardrobe. The next piece of furniture is a dressing table that has a golden hairbrush and mirror sitting on it. I couldn’t imagine anyone using them.

“Emma,” I call again as I reach another white door.

There is so much red hair sticking in all directions as she steps out of what I assume is the bathroom. Her hands are wrapped in a white towel. Jesus, she’s tiny.

“Let me take a look at your hands, love.” I shrug out of my jacket and throw it on the bed that’s also covered. Looking back at her, I still can’t get over how young she is. She must be only seventeen. I don’t like this arrangement at all. She’s only a fucking kid. Copyright 2016 - 2024