Madness of the Horde King - Zoey Draven Page 0,43

in my blood ensured that.

But you are free now, I thought.

I looked up at the darkening sky. At the bright stars that were beginning to shimmer overhead. Stars and constellations I’d missed under the mountain. A cool breeze threaded its way through my hair.

I was riding a pyroki, of all creatures, with a horde king of Dakkar, a male who was equally terrifying and fascinating to me.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was an adventure. A quest, like the old stories Maman had always recited to us. I was on an adventure all my own…

A part of me knew it was the only one I’d ever get. The three and a half weeks that remained until the black moon was the only hint of freedom, of life, of excitement I’d experience.

Kakkari had always meant for me to die under the Dead Mountain, hadn’t she? Whereas the Vorakkar behind me believed she’d written his death on the battlefield.

The ground began to vibrate.

The sound echoed off the pillars until the plains seemed to boom. Loud rallying cries and chants rose up from every direction.

My heartbeat roared in my ears and my hands clutched onto the horde king’s furs, pressing closer, seeking protection and comfort from a male I knew better than to trust.

The Vorakkar bellowed out a phrase in Dakkari and the cries grew louder. The vibrating became so loud that my teeth rattled.

“W-what’s happening?” I asked the Mad Horde King.

When I saw his dark grin, when I saw a quick mass approaching us from the front, when I spied Dakkari with blades strapped to their backs, riding on gold-painted pyroki, I feared I already knew the answer.

“We have arrived at my horde, kalles.”

Chapter Seventeen

My horde came into view, a warm glow rising above it in the blue darkness.

Tension released in my chest, a knot unravelling. This. This is what I’d worked so hard for.

The thunder of my darukkars on their pyroki behind me alerted the horde to my return. With satisfaction, I saw that the wall had been built in my absence, a necessary defense in ungira territory. The gate was open and I spied Hedna, my pujerak, sitting atop his pyroki at the entrance.

His expression was stoic as he took in the white-haired vekkiri female sitting across my lap.

“Greetings, my friend,” I rasped in Dakkari.

He reached across the gap between us when I pulled Nillima next to his pyroki. We clasped arms, though his gaze strayed to the female who was looking up at him with large, unblinking eyes.

I almost smiled. Had her fear returned? She feared anything and anyone new. My skittish leikavi.

Hedna’s brow rose when he met my gaze. “Have you followed the path of Rath Kitala and Rath Tuviri?”

I huffed out an amused yet harsh laugh. “Nik.”

“Then she comes to bring destruction to our horde?”

“Perhaps just destruction to me,” I returned. His head tilted but I didn’t elaborate on my words. “Anything pressing for tonight?”

“Nik,” he replied. “Rest. I know you do not sleep on these journeys.”

“Srikkisan,” I agreed. Tomorrow. I hadn’t slept since…since the night I’d discovered the female in my lap sneaking around Dothik.

“Will you need a voliki for her?” he asked.

“Nik,” I rasped. “She stays in my furs.”

My pujerak sighed. “Then I will send a bath and food shortly.”

“Kakkira vor,” I murmured.

“I am glad you are home, Vorakkar.”

I turned Nillima towards the entrance gate. “I fear it will not be for long, pujerak, but I will tell you all in the morning.”

Hedna frowned but inclined his head. I couldn’t have asked for a better pujerak, a better friend. We were complete opposites in every way. He was calm and cool-headed, whereas my temper ran hot. Ours was a relationship that worked well, one that served the horde well.

“Vorakkar,” came the cries as we entered the encampment. The female on my lap stiffened as we encountered the sight of dozens and dozens of Dakkari, rushing forward to greet me.

Nillima tossed her neck but my fickle beast enjoyed the attention as hands reached out to stroke her, passing over her side and then my legs. It was customary for the Dakkari to greet their Vorakkar as such...though a part of me would never feel completely comfortable with the countless hands that stroked over my flesh in the process.

None of my horde met my gaze out of respect but I saw the way their wide eyes lingered on Vienne. The whispers and murmurings began to start. Some shrank back quickly after they offered their Copyright 2016 - 2024