Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,83

everyone’s expectations. Of course, there are the naysayers, but compared to other administrations, there’s a noticeable difference. Everyone has seen an improvement in the willingness of most members of Congress to compromise. Her approval rating is the highest of any modern President.

There have been a few whispers because you never see her in the company of a man. I think that’s why everyone has gone completely ape shit over this Norwegian Prince. At least I hope that’s why it is. Though if she really has fallen for the guy, I don’t have the right to complain. I’m the one who let her go.

Once I’m parked, I’m led into a small antechamber to wait. Something’s off, though. There should be more people present for a reception. I don’t see anyone. A quick glance at my watch confirms I have the time correct.

So where is everyone?

The door opens, and a Secret Service agent enters. He’s familiar, but I don’t remember him from the White House and it takes me a minute to remember exactly why.

“Captain Phillips?” I ask.

He doesn’t answer. He only winks in acknowledgement before stepping aside.

Anna walks in. It’s been too long since I’ve seen her in person, and I stand there for a minute, drinking in the sight of her as if I have every right to do so. Much like the feeling I had pulling up moments ago, she is both the same and different. There’s a knowledge in her eyes that wasn’t there before, but it’s accompanied by a wariness. Though she was confident two years ago, she stands now with a confidence of a different type. The type that has been put through fire and came out purer and more refined.

“Madame President,” I say because the woman who gave me permission to call her Anna is not the woman before me now.

The side of her mouth quirks up, and she crosses the room to me. “Back to that, are we, Mr. Hazar?” She holds out her hand for me to shake. Her skin is softer than I remember.

“It seemed prudent.” I look around. “Where’s everyone else?”

“There is no everyone else. It’s just me and you.” At my shocked expression, she continues, “I thought reception sounded better than private audience.”

“I see your point there.”

“Come let’s sit down and talk.” She leads me into a room I’ve never been in. A formal sitting room, if I had to guess.

She sits on a plush couch and motions for me to join her. “Have you really been in law school for the last two years?”

I’m pleased to see her directness hasn’t changed. “Yes.”

“I can’t tell you how happy I am you decided to go back and finish.” Her smile is genuine, she truly is happy for me. “And you’ll make a great judge one day.”

“Thank you. You seem to be doing well yourself.”

“Perhaps, but I have a lot of help.”

And maybe she does, but I know who’s responsible for the majority of it. I won’t mention it now, though.

There’s an awkward moment of silence and suddenly she starts laughing. I find I can’t help but to join in even though I don’t have a clue what we’re laughing at. All I know is it feels good and by the time we stop, any remaining tension between us has vanished.

Anna wipes under her eyes, though she doesn’t need to worry, her makeup is still flawless. “This meeting was a lot less awkward in my brain.”

“How long have you known?”

“A few days.” There’s a hint of mischief in her demeanor that is new. I like it. “Professor Lee is joining my staff. He mentioned you were in town.”

“It never goes down the way you plan.” I shake my head.

“What would be the fun in that? Plans are boring.”

“Says the person in charge of the government with the most red tape in the world.”

This time, the mischief is visible in her smile. “Well, we all have our shortcomings, you just found mine. Red tape. I can’t make things too easy for people, can I?”

Her mention of the word easy brings to mind the talk I had with my mom and I know there are things I need to tell her.

I lean forward a bit. “Anna,” I start, but she stops me.

“Don’t, let me go first,” she says, and since we’re in her house and she’s the one who invited me, I let her.

“I want to thank you for what you did two years ago,” she says. “I know it was a decision you Copyright 2016 - 2024