Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,68

I was thinking you meant.”

I give his chest a playful slap. “There’s a back hallway we can use to go upstairs to the third floor discreetly.”

“Lead the way.”

We’re able to make it to the third floor with only the Secret Service knowing Navin is with me. I take his hand and lead him to a closed door. “Are you ready?” I tease.

“Anna,” he says. “There is nothing behind that door that could be more impressive than you. But I’ll try my best to be amazed.”

I chuckle and push the door open, pleased when I hear his intake of breath.

“What is this?” he asks.

I look at the room, nearly all of it made from impenetrable glass. The whole of Washington DC is spread out below us. It’s an awe worthy view and one not found anywhere else.

“It’s the Solarium,” I tell him. “One of my favorite places in the White House, and before now I haven’t had anyone to share it with.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


White House

Washington DC

I’m awake before Anna on Monday morning, after spending the weekend tucked away in the Residence. While Anna left a few hours over the weekend, I stayed and worked here. It was almost normal. But now that it is Monday, I have to try to make it out of her room well before four in the morning so I can exit the White House with as few eyes on me as possible. Plus, if I don’t want to be called out for wearing the same clothes that I wore on Friday, I need to go shower and change.

I leave Anna sleeping and once I slip out of her room, and walk a few steps away, I call for a cab. This time of the morning there won’t be any traffic, so I head outside to wait, aware of the set of agents watching every move I make.

I make it back to the White House two hours later. The place is already buzzing as it comes to life for another day. But for me, it no longer feels routine, it feels different. I feel different. It doesn’t take a genius to know why. Anna.

We haven’t talked much about “us” other than those few words that first night. I’m not sure how long she’ll be willing to just let us be, but I’ll take whatever she can give me for however long it lasts. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want any romantic entanglements while she’s in office, so I’ll let her lead on where we go from here.

Being with her is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. For once, I can see myself with someone longer than a few weeks. I’ve spent the last few days getting to know the real Anna Fitzpatrick, and she is just as amazing, if not slightly more vulnerable, than her masked self.

Everything about the weekend had been perfect. The Solarium. Even sitting naked on top of that huge canopied bed, talking had been perfect. Perfectly Anna. How she trusted me to make it good for her. Then the way her body responded to my touch? Every. Single. Time. You guessed it, perfection.

Even though I probably have bags under my eyes, and I’ll more than likely fall asleep at my desk sometime today, at the moment, I’m on top of the world. I wonder what time Anna woke up, and how she’s feeling today. I think about asking her to lunch until it hits me at once.

Where we are.

Who we are.

We aren’t a normal couple, and we never will be. But no matter what we are, I have to pretend to the world that nothing has changed between us. I’m not sure if I can do it or not.

I make my way to my office, and yes, I’m sure I’m more chipper than normal, but if I have to pretend nothing’s changed when I interact with Anna in public, is it asking too much to be allowed to be happy without everyone thinking I’ve lost my damn mind?

Apparently, yes, it is because they don’t even bother to be discrete when they whisper behind my back.

“I’m not sure what’s gotten into him. Maybe he was told he’ll be rotating off the Press Pool. I can’t imagine him liking this sort of thing, anyway.”

“I think he finally got laid. A friend of mine swore he was at the same bar as she was last Thursday night and this gorgeous blonde was all over him.”

Thankfully, I don’t hear Anna’s name mentioned in any scenario involving me.

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