Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,6

other hand, Navin has to question why I’m here, but has enough manners not to ask. I do it for him. “I’m sure you’re curious as to why I’m here.”

“The thought did cross my mind a time or two.”

I take a deep breath. I’m going to kill Jaya and David for insisting I have a date for the balls. When Jaya brought up having someone from the media escort me, David thought it was a brilliant idea, adding how well it’d go over with the American public. Jaya suggested Gabe Day, since he was the anchor GBNC typically sent to interview me. I don’t think either one of them expected me to say that I’d prefer Navin Hazar. They didn’t question my choice, more than likely because they were in shock I’d named someone I’d allow to escort me, and I didn’t tell them about my past with Navin.

They did, however, say a visit would make it personal, and I could make a stop by his office before a scheduled meeting in the city.

"It’s a personal matter,” I tell him.

“I see,” he says, even though I’m pretty sure he doesn’t.

“I’d like you to be my escort at the Inaugural Balls,” I blurt out. “Not that I need an escort, but you know the optics. I thought of you because you work in the media, and we’re the same age and both single. Um,” I realize in that moment that I don’t know if he’s single. Surely, Jaya and David wouldn’t have allowed me to get this far if he wasn’t. “I mean if you are single. I thought it would make a nice statement of goodwill. You know, the President and a leading member of the press. Plus, our history...”

He’ll say yes, of course. You don’t turn down the President. Not over something like this. I’m so certain he’ll say yes, I almost miss his reply.

“I’m afraid I must regrettably decline.”

Regrettably decline? He was turning me down?

“What?” I ask, because I must have heard incorrectly. He wouldn’t turn me down. He couldn’t. Not after —


He speaks the one word with enough force to leave no doubt of his answer. It echoes in my head.

His face is expressionless. “Thank you for thinking of me and for the offer, but you’ll have to find someone else to be your arm candy that night, President Elect Fitzpatrick.”

I’m shocked he turned me down, but not so much that it interferes with my self-preservation instincts telling me to get the hell out of his office.

I stand and he does as well. “I’m sorry to hear that, I thought perhaps since we…” God, I can’t say it and look at him at the same time. I quickly redirect my words. “I apologize for any disruption I may have caused. Thank you for your time.”

When I open the door, I’m surprised to see Gabe is standing there, waiting quietly next to my security detail. I step into the hallway, vaguely aware of Navin following.

“Finished?” Gabe asks. “That was quick.”

There are two hundred ways to respond to his ‘quick’ observation, most of which would cut Navin down so fast the late night shows would joke about him for a week. But I swallow them all back. I’ve worked for years to build my image and my reputation. As a result, I protect it at all costs. It’s one of things that worked heavily in my favor during the election, in my opinion. I am always extremely careful about what I say and who I say it to, as well as who is listening and who may one day be able to listen.

No one has a microphone in my hand and there are no visible cameras, but I’m not stupid. Even standing in the nearly empty hallway, I’m aware that, more than likely, I have half a dozen cell phones pointed at me, recording my every word. I’m in the GBNC building, but I will not be a hot sound bite for them today.

I nod to Gabe and walk away without saying a word.

Chapter Five


GBNC Office

New York, New York

Blessedly, Gabe doesn’t say anything until Anna is safely in the elevator, and she and her entourage are heading back downstairs. As soon as the slick doors close behind her, I let out a deep breath and step back into my office. Gabe follows me, so I take a seat in the same chair I’d been in moments prior. He takes the other one.

“Based on the way President Elect Fitzpatrick shot Copyright 2016 - 2024