Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,44

have taken the same shot. The picture’s out. There’s no reeling it back in. You have two options. Deal with the fact that your name is on it, even though you’re not the one who pressed the button to take it, or spill your guts and tell the truth, making both of us look like idiots.”

“I don’t want you to take any heat from this,” he says. “I’d hate for you to look bad when all you were doing was helping me.”

“I appreciate that,” I say. “We agree then, that you took the picture and can have all the crap that comes along with it, good and bad?”

“Yes,” Roger agrees.

I give him a smile. “Good, now get the hell out of my office. Some of us have deadlines to meet.”

He stands and gives me a tentative grin. “Thank you. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done.”

Roger’s a good guy, and I’m happy I was able to help. Even if the end result has gotten a bit out of control. “You’re welcome.”

No sooner is he out the door, Nicole knocks on it.

“Ms. Tanner,” I say, because only Anna calls her by her first name, and stand. “Please come in.” My office is tiny and barely holds two people. “I would offer you a seat, but I’m afraid I don’t have anything other than my desk chair.”

Nicole has never ventured into the press section of the West Wing as far as I know. In fact, I rarely see her when she’s not at Anna’s elbow. Between her and David, I’m not sure which one showing up in my space will make the press office gossip more.

“That’s okay, Mr. Hazar,” she says. “I’ll only take a minute of your time. I don’t need to sit.”

As odd as it feels, it appears as if this meeting will take place with both of us standing. “Very well,” I say. “What can I help you with?”

“President Fitzpatrick, along with several private parties, are organizing an awareness and fundraising black-tie event. Its purpose is to benefit nonprofit organizations working to fight childhood cancer. President Fitzpatrick would like for you to be the keynote speaker.”

It’s a complete one eighty from anything I thought she might be standing in my office for. While it’s not unheard of for me to give speeches, this would be the first one related to a cause I feel strongly for.

“When is the event scheduled?” I ask.

She mentions a few months out from now, and then adds, “As long as everything comes through the way it should.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. When has anything ever gone the way it should? Although I have to admit if things were going to line up and fall into place for someone, that someone would probably be Anna.

“It would be an honor to serve as the keynote,” I say, making a note to let George know so he doesn’t have a conniption fit when he sees me on television.

“That’s great,” Nicole says. “I’ll go let President Fitzpatrick know.”

I wonder why Anna didn’t come and ask me herself? “I think I’ll walk with you,” I say to Nicole, who’s already halfway out of my door. “It’s been a few days since I’ve visited the Oval Office.”

Technically, that’s true. I walk past it occasionally, but only once have I been inside that sacred chamber with Anna. Nicole looks up from whatever she’s jotting down, surprised. She falters for a brief second before recovering and giving me a hesitant smile.

“Sure,” she says. “President Fitzpatrick is meeting with the Cabinet, but should finish soon.”

“I’ll wait outside in the hall,” I say, coming to a stop as we approach the office. She mutters something that might be an acknowledgement, but it’s hard to tell with her nose buried in her phone, no doubt letting Anna know about the surprise waiting outside her office.

The Cabinet meets not far from where I’m standing. I nod to the Secret Service agent stationed by the office door. He looks over me and, not finding me a threat, continues his watch.

There’s no telling how long the Cabinet meeting will last, and I’m probably a fool for waiting, but suddenly I have an overwhelming urge to see Anna. I take out my phone and send a text to George letting him know about the benefit. Then I scroll through the latest news, waiting for either George to reply back or for Anna to return.

Anna has shifted back into subtly ignoring me since our Copyright 2016 - 2024