Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,10

others it’s the current administration. One of craziest things I heard indicated Roberts didn’t care about winning one bit, and it was his wife who had her eyes on the White House. Of course, most of those stories end with a whisper that I would be wise to stay near my Secret Service detail. Frankly, that last one pissed me off, but I try not to dwell on it.

Though I had security detail throughout my campaign and after the election, it’s gotten progressively heavier. I know it’s necessary, but it does take time to grow comfortable with everything. I’ve never thought I was an overly private person, but having somebody, or somebodies, as is more often the case now, around me twenty-four/seven has taken a bit of getting used to.

I met President Turner and his wife, Dorothy, at the White House earlier this morning. He’d been in office for eight years and I get the impression from Dorothy that she couldn’t be happier to leave. She nearly bubbled over with excitement to the point where Turner looked irritated.

“Don’t get me wrong,” she said not too long ago. “I’ve enjoyed our time in Washington and we’ve accomplished a lot, but I’m so ready to live out from under a microscope.”

Those four men sit behind me now as the Chief Justice starts the Presidential Oath. My heart is galloping but I’m able to keep myself from showing nothing except the calm and evenness I’m known for.

“I, Anna Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“So help me, God,” I finish, and a rush like nothing I’ve ever experienced washes over me.

It’s exactly noon and I am now the President of the greatest country in the world. I feel the weight of that responsibility settle on my shoulders and along with it, the pressure of being the first female to hold that position. Feeling somewhat humbled at the trust my country has placed in me, I turn to address not only the people of my nation, but all of those watching from other countries.

I tell them I know what they’re feeling, and I know what they want. Likewise, I have a plan to continue along the path our forefathers laid before us when they created the blueprint and started the foundation of what was to come.

My desire is to unify our country with more than words and empty promises; to ensure “With liberty and justice for all,” is not a phrase spoken so frequently, we forget its meaning. It’s not an impossible dream, but will demand more than my wanting to make it a reality. The America we all crave will only exist if every person does their part and works toward making it happen. One of the lessons history has taught us is that America is more than one person and is bigger than the president. There’s a place for each of us at the table, but we must all move a bit closer to the middle to ensure everyone gets a seat.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur so quickly, it’s impossible to soak up every detail I want to remember. I’m pulled into several directions and multiple conversations with various prominent people in politics, and though it is nonstop controlled chaos, there’s nothing about the day I would change.

When it’s time to prepare for the Inaugural Balls, I enter my ridiculously large dressing room in my residence at The White House and find the gown and shoes I selected, with the help of my stylist, to wear waiting for me. The gown is made of silver-moss green, heavy satin with a handmade lace silk overlay; it’s off the shoulder of one arm with a full sleeve on the other. A full skirt gathering at one side completes it. Everything together has an elegant and regal appearance with a timeless quality. The gown is custom made by a young up-and-coming designer whose work I noticed while in New York. He’s right on the cusp of making it big, according to my stylist, and I’m hopeful tonight will help.

A knock on the bedroom door tells me the crew responsible for making me look effortlessly flawless tonight has arrived. I arrived a few minutes too early and this has obviously thrown them for a loop because the sound of angry whispers is Copyright 2016 - 2024