Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,56

steal Joker’s money and end up dead.”

He nods. “I’ll take care of it.”

“At least ten of ‘em. I may be shooting more of this lot before the day is over.”

“That may be hard for him to pull off. I know he’s got two or three high school twerps looking to make some cash. They want in the life.”

“Ten more. Don’t make me show up at a damn school, vexed, when he’s getting off and really show him I’m the fucking villain,” I threaten.

His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, but he wisely keeps his trap shut. I’m good on my threats, always have been.

I shoot my glare around the room, warning, “You saw what we did to Sammi Morelli. You’re going to fuck around and find out that yours will be the same fate. Only we won’t make a fuss about ya, just toss you in a ditch somewhere. You fuck with Joker’s money, you die. You rat on any of us, you die. You fuck off and do some dumb shit, you die. Got it?” Sometimes it’s difficult being the most intelligent man in the room.

Once I finish with these tossers, it’s off to the flat for me. I wonder when my wife will get the news that her family’s gone? She’s already moody and temperamental, so she’ll no doubt need me by her side to comfort her. I’ll enjoy every moment of it. She may even have a bit of attachment issues after she gets through her grief. I went from disposable in her eyes to being necessary, the only one she has left. She’ll need me, and that thought shoots a demented thrill through my rotten soul.

Perhaps I should’ve had Dante kill them sooner. I could’ve avoided walking in on Ismerlda and another man, had she been grief-stricken and glued to my side. However, I’ve enjoyed our strained tongue ‘foreplay’ and such, leading up to her finally accepting our marriage. The man who had been on his knees before her was what spurred me on to take that extra step of malevolence and is in the past now.

Ismerlda dropping the spitefulness further and then giving herself over to me with our impressive shower sex last week has my eyes on the future. I finally have a formidable opponent at my side to share in this life of immorality with. I haven’t been able to get enough of her body either. I’ve been inside her heat every chance I’ve gotten.

I finish my business at the warehouse, tuck a duffle packed with cash into my car’s boot, and hop into my gray Porsche. It has black windows and trim, along with bronze-colored rims to be extra obnoxious. I think it looks clean and I have zero fucks for what anyone else may believe. I blast a mix and zone out for the drive. I have to drop the money off at a restaurant that’s on the way to my flat to be laundered over the next week. It turns out the business my wife’s father gave me was a good idea after all. I wonder if I’ll get them all now that he’s dead? Surely, Isa won’t have any need for them.

I can’t stop thinking about the striking Italian woman waiting for me at home, and I haven’t been able to shake my thoughts of her all day. Another hour or so, and I’ll be sinking deep in her ravishing pussy.

I walk into a bit of disarray slung through the flat that instantly has my guard flaring to life. I seek out Ismerlda, finding her sitting at the end of our bed, wearing a lost expression. Her cheeks are tearstained and swollen. She must’ve already found out about her family. I was looking forward to having a bit more time with her before we had to deal with the outcome from one of my previous rash decisions.

I wipe my face clean, my demeanor appearing aloof. I have to pretend I know nothing and allow her to come to me, let me be her savior in this. “Darling?”

Her gaze snaps to mine, her body shifting to me. I doubt she realizes she does it, but it’s enough for me to notice. “You’re here?”

“Is everything all right?”

“Oh like you care,” she ridicules, staring me down as if I’m a shitstain on a toilet. Here we go…this must be the anger stage, I suppose. I’ll take her attitude, along with the apologies that I’m sure to follow.

“You’re my wife. I care about Copyright 2016 - 2024