Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,45

He won’t sway me on giving up my job. Nor on my independence and anything else I enjoy. Safety measures are one thing, but I won’t stop living my life out of fear. I married him because he promised more safety, so he better work his magic or I’ll follow my own rules.”

She sips from her flute of crisp, bubbly champagne, brows nearing her hairline.

“Say whatever you’ve got on your mind.”

She swallows the frosty beverage and admits, “I was just thinking that his magic better give you multiple orgasms or he’s in for a rude taste of your reality.”

“Why am I not surprised your mind went there? Your head is always in the gutter.”

“All I’m saying is you’ve dealt with men below you. Now you’re married to one who’s on the same playing field. If the rumors are true, he’s a masterful lover, and that’s exactly what you need to shake you up a bit. You’ve been ‘work, work, work.’ It’s time you lived in other ways, and Maximillian may be the one to do it for you.”

I release a sigh. “One can hope, but we have to not hate each other first.”

“I’ve seen how you treat men you dislike, and he’s not one of them. You may tell yourself you can’t stand him, but the proof is written all over your face when you’re near him.”

I reach for a fresh flute of champagne from a passing server, as I’ll need it if this is going to be our conversation. I down half of the contents in one quick gulp. I haven’t eaten all day, so this should go to my head quickly if I’m lucky.

“Will you have children soon?” she continues.

“Oh God no. You know I’m not anywhere near wanting children, and Max is far too selfish to care for another life. The child would be traumatized by the time it was a toddler. I could never do that to a baby. Besides, you know I’ve never really wanted to have kids of my own.”

She sets her empty glass down, patting at her lips with a cocktail napkin and tilts her head a touch. “Yeah, but I thought maybe he’d change your mind. Those babies would be so adorable.”

“No, they’d be fucking terrorists. It’s one thing him and I actually agree on. Besides, you know what he does for a living. I don’t want to worry about my child’s safety because he’s pissed off the wrong mob boss. I don’t care who it is, they came after my kid, I’d burn the world down.”

She smirks. “Danny was telling me that if the Joker has his way, he’ll be the boss around town. Maximillian will be sitting top shelf.”

“Danny shouldn’t talk so much.” She looks hurt so I continue, softening my tone. “It’s how good men lose their tongues, even if it’s only spilling the tea to their wives. You grew up beside me, you know how brutal this life can be. The Mafia never forgets nor forgives you crossing them.”

Her chin jerks with a quick nod. She murmurs, “I’ll remind him.”

“Good.” I nod, sending my mother a smile across the room. She’d been watching us the entire time, almost as if she knew what we were speaking of. She’s a smart woman, she had to be, to survive so long within the Five Famiglias. “As for your earlier question, I’ll do what I want, and Maximillian Macintosh can get on board or get out of my way.”

I tense as I feel a looming presence come up behind me. My arm is lightly brushed, causing my head to whip around and see who has the nerve to get so close, to touch me after Max has growled in every direction. I’m met with the menacing eyes from one of Joker’s faithful crew of merry men. “Can I help you, buttercup?” I hiss hostilely, cocking my head.

“Tyson,” he offers with a hearty foreign accent that’s definitely not Italian. He holds his hand out, daring me to take it. It’s large, strong, and pretty damn sexy if I’m being real about it.

I do so, because I refuse to allow anyone associated with my husband feel they have any sort of control or influence over me. He may be taller, but my lady balls aren’t small either. “Tyson,” I repeat, tasting the name. I stare him down, silently letting him know I won’t allow him to intimidate me.

“Wanted to remind you that your last name is now Macintosh as well. You’re a part Copyright 2016 - 2024