Mad Enough to Marry - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,61

or two?"

Elena looked up. **Thanks very much, Ian, but you can keep your hands to yourself." She softened the blow with a smile, though, and Logan saw her eyes warm. *'You been working out or something?"

"Yeah." The kid's grin turned from cocky to delighted. "Yeah."

Elena grinned back. "Lookin' good, Ian. Lookin' real good."

His chest popping farther forward, the boy swaggered off.

Floored, Logan gazed on the woman who had once again managed to surprise him. She noticed his stare and frowned. "What? What are you looking at me like that for?"

"You were actually nice to that kid."

She scowled, the same scowl that he'd been on the receiving end of for months. The same scowl that he'd always thought every male received from her. "I can be nice."

"I think you might have been—" he coughed, trying to get the word out "—flirting with him."

"I was noi flirting with him." She rolled her eyes. "He's a friend of Cabby's for goodness sake. I've known him since he liked to play with C.I. Joe."

"I don't think it's C.I. Joe he wants to play with now."

She frowned and rolled her eyes again. "His girlfriend just broke up with him, okay? He's been feel-

ing a little blue about going to the dance Saturday night stag."

"Stag? Boys go the prom stag? It's not couples only?"

Elena shook her head. "Times have changed, Logan. Both boys and girls go to the prom alone or in a big group. There'll be plenty of dateless kids there."

"Dateless boys."

She shrugged.

He could see her on Saturday night now, taking on the task of ego-boosting every young stud by smiUng at them, or flirting with them, or worse yet, dancing with them, while he sat home alone. Hell yes, he was going to be her date.

A sudden idea occurred to him. With all this newfound sympathy of hers, maybe he could get her to ask him. It was a satisfying thought. "My mother said she's lending you a dress for the dance."

She half-knelt to tuck the twins and journal away. "Yes, and it's very nice of her. She overheard me talking to Gabby about needing something to wear when I was going down the stairs yesterday. She volunteered a gown of hers that she thinks might do."

"I'd sure like to see it." Hint, hint.

"Have her show it to you," Elena said, standing. Then she paused, looking at him closely. "What's this all about?"

Smart girl. "I don't know what you mean." He shd his hands in his pockets, looking innocent, and, he hoped, irresistible. Because he'd decided that replaying the night of the prom, replaying it without

hitches, without heartache, would erase that first time from her mind. With the slate clean, she could begin to trust him, truly trust him.

When she remained silent, he thought he'd give her a little nudge. * It's just that, well, I don't have a thing to do on Saturday night."

She retreated a step. **What?"

Hell, did he have to spell it out? **My mother is still not speaking to my father and she's still living with me. If I stay home alone on Saturday night, she'll cook. Last time it was Sloppy Joe Surprise with something called Cottage Cheese CauUflower Bake as a side dish. Then there's bridge lessons. Have I mentioned I hate bridge?"

Her hand crept up toward her heart. *'This isn't a good idea."

He tamped down a flare of irritation. **Why not?"

**I don't know." She shook her head, looking more wary than such a simple thing warranted.

**Elena—" He broke off as a pair of high-school boys ambled near, their overabundant and underused hormones visible in their overeager and undersubtle expressions. They were looking at Elena as if she was the Uving embodiment of every fantasy that kept them awake nights.

And she was, damn it. But they were his fantasies and she was his Elena. He glowered at them.

They didn't appear to know he was aUve. '*Hi, Elena," one boy said, sUcking his surfer-blond hair back with his palm. **Heard you're coming to the prom."

*'That's right, Jay. You have a big night planned?"

He shrugged, grinned. **Maybe now I do."

Elena laughed. "I'll let you bring me a glass of punch."

There was a twinkle in the boy's blue eyes that was probably as cute as all get out to Elena, but only served to piss Logan off.

His mood only got worse when the other kid spoke up. "Wanna dance?" he abruptly said, his face immediately flushing.

Elena smiled. "I suppose you don't mean right now, do you, Carl?"

"No, no." The kid's Copyright 2016 - 2024