Mad Enough to Marry - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,59

to understand what he wanted. Don't admit it, some worried voice said inside her. He wants everything.

But if he took that, if he took evetything, then she'd have nothing left.

Elena's gaze flew to him. He was sitting up now, his eyes trained on her face. Almost casuaUy, he reached down to where she was left throbbing and unsatisfied and caressed her with one finger.

Elena squirmed.

*'Say it."

She swallowed, trying to think.

He caressed her again.

She shivered, broke. "You," she said. "No one but you."

In one smooth move, he dropped down and she felt the soft, wet touch of his tongue. She shivered hard, once, shattered.

And then he drew up and drove his body inside hers, pushing through the waves of her release so that he was the release, he owned it, he owned her.

She should deny it, thrust him away, but instead she clutched at his shoulders, then slid her hands toward his hips as he buried his face against her neck. His body surged powerfully into hers.

"Elena," he said hoarsely. "So good. So right."

So right. Another wave hit her, unexpected and hard. Her body gripped his to ride it out and he stiffened, surged once more, deep, deep.

And became hers.

For the second time in her life, for the second time that day, she cried in Logan's arms.

She hid her tears against his shoulder, praying he would never know how weak he made her.

She was only one of fifty or so people in the high-school auditorium, all of them readying it for the upcoming senior prom. But Logan thought he could poll ten times that number of men and they would unanimously agree that the most eye-catching, the sexiest female in the place was Elena O'Brien.

She was his sexy female, and if he had his way, he was going to be her date to the dance Saturday night.

SmiUng smugly to himself, Logan strolled toward the ladder she was perched on. Large cardboard boxes surrounded it, as well as a scattering of tools, and Elena's totebag and purse. She was completely oblivious to his approach as she smdied a sheet of paper in one hand. In the other, she held a dinner-plate-size flower that aj^ared to be created from stiff, brightly colored fabric.

Coming up behind her, he found that by lifting his gaze he made it level with her glorious behind, briefly covered by a short denim skirt. CurUng his fingers around a leg of the ladder, he smiled again, appreciating the view.

'*Ricky Dodd, are you trying to look up my skirt again?" Elena suddenly hissed, without glancing away from the paper. "Because if you are I'm teUing your mother."

Look up her skirt again? Lifting an eyebrow, he ran a possessive finger from her bare ankle up the back of her thigh to the hem of the skirt, satisfied by her Httle yelp and the rush of goose bumps he left in his path. **Isn't one man enough for you?" he teased.

Her foot jerked back and he captured it just before it caught him in the gut. "Careful, careful, can't have you falling off the ladder."

She was glaring at him over her shoulder. "If I did, I'd fall right on top of you."

He grinned. "Promises, promises." At the exasperated purse of her delicious lips, he laughed and tugged Ughtly on the leg he held. "C'mere."

"Why?" Her eyes narrowed.

"So suspicious." He tugged again. "I want to kiss you."

"No." She shook her head. "Not a good idea. I have a lot of work to do here and kissing you distracts me."

Pleased, he smiled again. Then instead of bothering with more cajoling, he merely climbed up behind her. Standing on the rung below hers, their heads level, he turned her face toward him.

She made another murmuring protest, but he was getting better at ignoring her talk—especially when he was intent on her taste. Her mouth pucker-kissed his for a second, but then her lips softened. He teased their seam with the tip of his tongue until he felt her whole body sag and her mouth open.

She was hot and wet inside and...

Logan wrenched his mouth away and leaped off the ladder, then grabbed it to make sure his sudden movement didn't tip Elena over. "You're dangerous," he muttered.

Her cheeks were bright pink and her eyes sparked at him. "It was your idea."

*'Yeah, yeah, yeah." But he had to grin, because she didn't look as much mad as she looked... interested. He tickled the back of her knee. **When will you be done here?"

She slapped at his Copyright 2016 - 2024