Mad Enough to Marry - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,46

a new tension entered her body. Her tongue met his and he stroked past it, stroking deeply with the same rhythm as his fingers.

Her body softened and opened around his invasion. He could move within her now and he slowly began to draw out. She tore her mouth from his. *'Logan?"

*'Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you again."

"You're leaving me?" Her hands clamped down on his hips. "You better not be leaving me."

He froze. "Elena. Maybe we should talk. Maybe—"

His words were cut off as she lifted her hips and took him back inside her. "Maybe we should finish this," she said, her expression stubborn.

He closed his eyes. How many times was a man supposed to say "no" to a woman as beautiful and arousing as this? Wasn't once enough?

"On one condition," he said, opening his eyes to look down into hers. He could tell she was determined to see this through, but he'd be damned if it was for all the wrong reasons when only one counted...desire.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What condition?"

He sighed. She was going to make things difficult for him until the end of his life, he could tell. "We're not going to do this for your pride, my ego or any other stupid reason hke our long-ago past. Agreed?"

"Agreed. But—"

He cut her off with another kiss and then when he had her quiet, he rolled, bringing her on top of him.

She instinctively sat up, winced, then minutely adjusted her position with a little shinuny of her hips.

He groaned.

She looked down at him, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. "You like that." She shimmied again.

Reaching out, he rediscovered her small knot of nerves, strummed it with his thumb. Her gasp was all pleasure this time. **And you like that," he countered.

He pushed up with his body and she hfted. She lowered when he did. He caressed her hip. **That's right, honey. Move just like that."

Her nostrils flared as she caught the rhythm.

His thumb strummed over her flesh again. **And ril move just like this."

Elena danced over him, her movements graceful, erotic. With his free hand, he caught her nipple between his thumb and fingers. Her head dropped bone-lessly back as she rode him and the building pleasure.

He watched her closely, her coiling tension communicating itself through her tightening body. She rose up one more time, slid slowly down and then it happened.

Her hips ground against his and his fingers plucked just that much harder. She shuddered wildly. He meant to watch it all the way through, he meant to make sure he saw her wring every atom of satisfaction from the event, but then her inner muscles clenched down on him again—^tight, tighter.

*'Elena." He groaned and lifted himself up, pushing into her, pushing into her body, invading her climax and giving her his.

She fell against him, and for several minutes they lay plastered together, both of them occasionally shivering with aftershocks of pleasure.

It was only after he'd forced himself up to dispose of the condom then returned to the futon and Elena's arms that she finally spoke. ''Te idio," she said, then she turned her cheek against his chest and bit him.

'*Ow!" He grabbed a handful of her hair and Ufted her head to meet her gaze. **What was that?"

Her expression was smug. **I said, I hate you. The bite is self-explanatory."

*'Like hell it is. I'm sorry I hurt you, but—"

She bit him again. '*Shut up."

He rubbed his abused flesh. **You confuse me."

'*My godl in life," she said flippantly.

He sighed, then put his arms around her and shifted them both so they were face-to-face on one pillow. **I suppose it would be too much to ask for you to drift off into a nice, quiet, post-coital sleep."

**I thought fliat was the guy's job."

Logan sighed again. This sassiness was not a good sign. Elena was up to her old tricks, erecting prickly barriers between them, even after they'd been as intimate as two people could get.

As intimate as she'd ever been with any man.

**You were a virgin."

**That's why I said I hate you," she said, half smiling even as her gaze drifted away from his. **Look at what I've been missing out on. I could have had years of pleasure!"

He saw red. He closed his eyes against the color

of angry, instant temper, but it was still there, pulsing behind his eyelids. "I don't know if Fm madder at the idea of you wishing I'd seduced you at sixteen or at the idea of you being pleasured by a Copyright 2016 - 2024