Mad Enough to Marry - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,45

came around the back of his head, and he felt her breast swell in his hand.

A sharp, hot shudder worked its way down his back. He groaned, it was all so damn, damn good, and then she clutched his shoulders, pushed, shoving him flat to the futon so he was beneath her.

'*Elena, no," he choked out.

'*Logan, yes," she whispered back. The ends of her hair swept across his cheek as she drew her hot little mouth over his chin and then down his neck to

his chest. She kissed him, then added litde half bites that should have been almost sweet, but that in his highly aroused state were too Uttle, too hght, too not enough.

He palmed the back of her head to press her harder against his flesh, but she twisted away and sat up. Her soft laughter echoed in the near-empty room.

He reached for her.

She edged back. **Nuh-uh-uh." She shook her finger at him, mischief tilting up the comers of her eyes. *'Not so soon.'*

Deep inside him, the wildness was rising again. He closed his eyes, reaching for the control to hold it back.

It was why he missed that dangerous move of her hand.

Small fingers slid over his erection.

He jerked up, she pushed him down with her fi*ee hand, running her other over him again. **No, Elena, no," he said.

She glanced at his face, then gazed back down at what she held in a gentle fist. "Eres mio."

**Yes.*' He had no idea what she*d said, but it didn't matter. *'Now stop."

*'Mine." She caressed the length of him with her hand. Logan tensed, trying desperately to remember he was a sophisticated, mature man.

Then she lightly squeezed.

Sophistication shattered.

In the instant it took for the heat to sweep across his body, his brain, he reversed their positions again.

But this time when he came between her thighs he wasn't going to tease or caress or stop.

She must have seen it on his face. Her palms pushed against his chest as he lowered to her. '*Lo-gan—"

"Playtime's over, honey."


Condom? For a moment he thought she was speaking in Spanish again because he didn't recognize the word. It made no sense to the wildness riding him. Then he cursed and cursed again as he groped for his jeans.

As his hands came up empty, an image burst in his mind, beautiful and pure. Elena, her breasts ripe and full, her belly round with his child. Elena pregnant with their baby.

The idea should scare him soft, but instead his lust surged, his body going even harder. He spat out another curse.

"I beUeve that's what Fm waiting for," Elena said, a hint of laughter in her voice. She dangled a foil-wrapped square in front of his face. "Will this help?"

He snatched it out of her hand. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you," he said hoarsely, as he took care of the condom then positioned himself between her thighs again.

"Why—" The word ended on a gasp as he entered her in one long stroke.

He groaned, holding himself still and deep. "Elena. You're so tight. You..." His mind scrambled, trying to figure out how she could have seemed so slick and

ready, yet now appeared in near...pain. Her body squeezed down on his, hard.

"Elena. Honey." He dropped his forehead against hers. **Are you all right?"

She nodded once, but her gaze slid away.

He swallowed. "Honey, I can't pull out without hurting you more. Not unless you relax, okay? Relax your muscles, the ones inside. Do you know what I mean?"

She nodded, but didn't move, outside or in.

He brushed her hair off her face, then kissed her forehead. "I know I hurt you. I hate myself for it. But as soon as you ease up a little, I'll be able to move off you."

She nodded again, but again nothing happened. A tear dripped down her cheek. "I...I can't," she whispered.

The beast, he noted thankfully, had retreated to its lair. Only tenderness entwined with his desire as Logan kissed the next tear away. "Let me help you, honey."

He eased his body a little off hers and reached down between them with one hand. She jumped—^her inner muscles clenching tighter—^when he found the knot of nerves within her silky folds. "Shh," he soothed, and stroked it gently, light circles that he hoped would distract her.

He ran his mouth over each of her eyes, soaking up the tears and then he moved to her Ups again, kissing her gently even as he kept touching, touching, touching her.

He felt her inner muscles ease a little even as Copyright 2016 - 2024