Mad Enough to Marry - By Christie Ridgway Page 0,41

make me so mad," she said through clenched teeth. "That I'm going"

He grinned, even in the darkness she could see his teeth, even and white. "This sounds interesting. You're going to what?"

He was teasing her. She knew that. But there was a roar in her ears that went quite well with the rush in her blood. Well, fine, but he was going to pay for both of the sensations.

Grabbing his wrist, she moved him away from the door and unlocked it. Then she pushed her purse and bag over the threshold, towed Logan inside after them, and finally shut the door with her foot.

The small lamp on the floor of the near-empty Uv-ing room was glowing, but its Hght was only enough to warm the night-time shadows. She glowered at Logan, hoping that if he couldn't see her displeasure he would at least feel it. '*You're going to pay."

'T've been counting on it.*'

Ooooh, he was still laughing at her. **You better be careful. There's no one to come to your rescue. Gabby's spending the night at a friend's."

**I know." The laughter was absorbed by a new, very male heaviness in his voice. **Why do you think I was downstairs? I didn't want to risk you getting by me tonight, not when we have a chance to be alone."

Elena swallowed, the fight inside her dying. When they had a chance to go to bed together, he meant. Both anticipation and nervousness rippled through her. **Oh, Logan."

He reached out to cup her cheek in his palm. '*We don't have to. I really didn't mean to rush right into that—^into it." His thumb caressed her mouth. "But this httle feature packs a wallop when you want it to. I'm so homy I can't see straight."


**Hell, I'm sorry to be crude.*' His laugh sounded a bit rueful now. **Maybe I should go along to my own apartment."

**Don't you dare," Elena heard herself say. And she was glad, so glad.

He was here, half-naked, and least for the night. Only an idiot would send him away now. Except—

**Do you have a condom?" she whispered, feeling herself go hot all over.

Without a word, he sUd both hands into the front pockets of his jeans to pull out a wealth of foil-wrapped packets.

A nervous giggle popped out of her mouth, even as her face went hotter. "So many?"

He levied close, his voice low and sheepish. '*The truth is, I didn't want my mother to find them. It's my entire stash."

She'd forgotten his mother! **Oh, Logan. Your mother—"

*'Won't hear or know a thing. Her bedroom is on the opposite side of my apartment from the bedrooms in this one."

Elena hesitated. *'I don't know. I'm not sure if I can forget—"

*'Why don't you let me worry about that?" He stuffed the condoms away and drew her near his naked chest. One hand tilted up her chin and he brushed his mouth against hers. Back. Forth.

She shivered. **There's something else," she said against his mouth.

''Nothing." He hugged her, turning her cheek against his chest.

Elena couldn't help but shift her head to put her lips to his hot flesh. He smelled deUcious, and she skimmed the tip of her nose over his chest, mmming in appreciation. There was something else, she thought vaguely. Something to think about, to tell him. Something she needed to do...?

Her head lifted, only to find his mouth waiting for hers. The kiss was gentle, a beginning, a slow exploration knowing that there was time for everything tonight.

Still, despite the pleasure running through her and the ratcheting level of desire in her blood, that last thought continued niggling at her.


"Shh. Don't talk. Don't say another word." His mouth came down on hers, hard, deliberate, delirium-inducing.

Elena let him have her.

Chapter Nine

JLogan didn't want Elena to say anything at all. Talking could lead to trouble. Talking could lead to stopping.

And if he was going to retain any shred of male dignity, he had to get her naked and get inside her. He'd manage foreplay—^hell, he'd been fantasizing about foreplay with Elena for days, weeks, months— but he had to get on the straight track to satisfaction or else.

Or else this nice little case of lust he had going would transform into a roaring, howUng beast he didn't know how to leash.

He didn't even know what to call the feeUng, but Elena brought it to snarUng Ufe inside him.

Taming it the only way he knew how, by feeding

its hunger for Elena, Logan slid his tongue deeper into her Copyright 2016 - 2024