The Lying Season (Seasons #1) - K.A. Linde Page 0,97

she still on her game?”

God, I didn’t even know how to answer that. Any other day, any other situation, I would have jumped at the answer. This was English. She was always on her game. But after what Josh had done, I really didn’t know.

“Truthfully, I think she might need a little time. Anyone would in the same circumstance. But I know that she’s staying in New York. She just bought a new place. I think once she comes back, she’ll be ready. You won’t regret it.”

Leslie stared straight through me for a full minute before nodding. “Okay. I’ll leave her. She’s done a good job. The polling numbers are looking up, especially related to any questions regarding Court. It seems the work she’s put in has paid off.”

“I agree. The magazine that did the exclusive on the cottage was brilliant. It was everywhere. Who knew we just needed to get him in front of a camera?”

“Lord help us all if we put Court in front of a camera more often,” she said with a lighthearted tone. “Let me ask you this, what would you say is Court’s main character trait?”

I mused over that. “Charisma?”

She laughed. “Yes, I suppose there is that. It’s how he gets away with most of what he does. But I would generally say, selfishness. Whether he is that way because of how I raised him or because of the trauma of his father dying or whatever combination of reasons, Court only thinks of himself.”

“I don’t think he’s that bad. He takes care of his friends.”

“And how many of those does he have? How many has he had longer than a year?”

I frowned, trying to think. “Camden.”

“Exactly.” Leslie leaned forward on her desk. “Anyone who can make Court think of someone other than himself, I think is a valuable person. It’s why I’ve continued to cultivate my relationship with the Percys. Even though…we’ve not always seen eye to eye, I know that Court sees something worthwhile in Camden.”

“Right,” I said, unsure of where this was leading.

“And after talking to Court this morning, it seems that he believes Sam Rutherford is another one of these people.”

My mouth popped open. “Oh.”

“From what I heard, Sam has had a positive influence on Court.”

“Yes. I mean, I think he has.”

“In fact,” she continued, “he insisted that I couldn’t fire him.”

“What?” I asked in surprise.

“He was quite adamant about it actually.”

“But…I thought you fired him because of how it would look to the campaign for him to be dating a superior. I mean, I just assumed that’s what it was because it would look bad, considering I was in a position of power.”

“I did,” she agreed. “I’m glad that you came to the same conclusion.”

“Then how…”

“I plan to hire him for the Kensington Corporation.” She smiled. “It was Court’s suggestion actually.”

“Oh my god,” I muttered.

“I don’t want to let anyone go who is clearly good for my team.”

“That would be…amazing.”

Leslie stood and smiled. “I’m glad you think so. He’s waiting outside right now. Could you do me a favor and pretend to be thoroughly chastised before sending him in?”

I laughed. “You’re bad.”

“Don’t make me lose the element of surprise.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll do what I can.” I reached forward and offered her my hand. “And thank you.”

Leslie shook. “I meant what I said to Shawn. That you are irreplaceable. Let’s win this thing.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, beaming.

Then I turned back to the exit. I had to force the smile off of my face and slouch my shoulders. I didn’t want to oversell it.

I stepped out and found Sam sitting in the waiting area. He looked up when the door opened, and his eyes rounded.

“Lark?” he asked.

“Sam, I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

“Yeah, I got a call this morning.” He glanced to Malcolm. “What were you called in for?”

I sighed. “Leslie wanted to talk about what happened.”

“Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know. She said to send you in.”

He blew out heavily. “Okay. I’ll just…I don’t know…can you wait for me?”

“Yeah. I’ll wait here.”

He kissed my forehead and then turned to enter the mayor’s office. As soon as he was gone, a smile lit up my face. I had to keep myself from laughing with joy. He was in for the unexpected.

Twenty minutes later, Sam burst out of the mayor’s office. He pointed his finger at me with a smile on his beautiful face. “You!”

I laughed and dashed to him. “You got the job!”

“You tricked me.”

“I did. It was Leslie’s idea.”

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