The Lying Season (Seasons #1) - K.A. Linde Page 0,59

to my clit and experimentally circled the small nub a few times. I almost jolted off the bed. Fuck, masturbating was nothing compared to this…to the feel of him. And he wasn’t even inside me yet. This was just the beginning, the cocktail hour to the main event. And I was the one who was going to be devoured.

Then his tongue replaced his finger, and it felt so fucking good that I might have blacked out. As he licked at my clit, he spread my pussy open for him and slipped a finger inside of me. I clenched as my entire body contracted.

I hadn’t realized how close I was already. I was on the brink of orgasm. And I didn’t want him to stop. Not at all. I wanted everything he was willing to give.

And he gave it, sliding another finger into me. Then he curled his fingers inward as he began to move them in and out of me. Building me up to a crescendo. The music filled my ears as he licked and sucked on me, drawing out my pleasure.

For a split second, I had enough cognizant thought to open my eyes and look down at him between my legs. And he glanced up at me in that exact moment. A confident, cocky-ass grin split his face. Like he could see on my dazed face and glazed eyes that I was in pure bliss…and it was all because of him.

“Fuck,” I moaned.

He continued on, never stopping as I built and built up to that point. And just when I was about to peak, I put my hands down into his dark hair and shoved him down against me. I cried out as everything hit at once. My climax ricocheted through my body. And it wasn’t until I stopped screaming that I finally released him.

He was grinning at me like he’d just won a prize. I could see his dick straining against his slacks. But he seemed not to care as he continued to swirl a finger against my pussy while I came down from my orgasm.

“So…sensitive,” I bit out. My body shook at his continued ministrations right after my orgasm.

“My favorite time to touch you. You get so jittery that you look like you might explode again already.”

I flushed despite what had just happened. That he remembered that about me. That he wanted to do it again.

“And you do taste just as good as I remembered.”

I blushed even deeper.

“There’s something else I want to remember,” he said with a devilish grin.

“What’s that?” I managed to get out.

He shucked his pants onto the floor. His black boxer briefs followed, revealing his cock in all its glory. My mouth watered at the sight. Just like all the rest of him, he was…big. He wasn’t just huge. He fucking knew what to do with it. And fuck, I wanted more of that.

“Fuck you. I want to remember how it feels to fuck you.”

I nodded slowly and then pointed at a nightstand. “Second drawer.”

He smirked and then grabbed a condom. I watched him deftly slide it into place. My body shuddered at the sight of him touching himself. Fuck, I wanted to touch him. I wanted him in my mouth. But I wanted him in my pussy more. A lot more. Like, right fucking now.

He came back around to the bed and crawled on top of me, his dick jutting out between us. He moved to his elbows, positioning himself between my aching legs. Then he brushed a stray hair out of my face.

“This what you want?” he asked, seemingly conscious for the first time that he’d just barged in here and not asked me what I wanted. “I don’t want to—”

“Yes,” I told him. And then more calmly, looking into his eyes, I said, “Yes.”

That was enough for both of us. Yes. He slid himself deep inside of me in one firm thrust, seating himself to the hilt. I breathed out in a half-gasp, half-whimper as he stretched me and stretched me, almost to the point of breaking. And then stretched me just a little more. So effing big.

I tightened my grip around his neck and held him in place, letting my body adjust to the feel of him. The man who took up doorways, filling something else entirely.

He just leaned his head into the crook of my neck and kissed gently, soothingly, up and down. One hand slid under my back, pressing our bare chests together. He bit at the Copyright 2016 - 2024