The Lying Season (Seasons #1) - K.A. Linde Page 0,46

more…would ruin everything. I didn’t even know if it was arrogant to think she even wanted something back.


“Uh…no, no one is coming with me.”

“Oh. Okay,” she said.

“And meeting at your place sounds great.”

“Great. I’ll get you directions for the suit and find out what time the limo will show up.”

“That sounds good.”

She smiled up at me, and I released the tension from my shoulders. I’d tell her after the event. No matter what, I’d tell her. I couldn’t keep it secret forever. And I didn’t even want to. But just not yet. When I knew whether or not this was even something she was interested in again…then I’d tell her.



There was a knock on the door.

I froze from my pacing, checked my reflection in the mirror one more time, and then hastened to open it. I reminded myself for the hundredth time today that this wasn’t a date. There was no risk to my heart. It was just friends getting together to support another friend.

Then I opened the door.

And saw Sam standing in the doorframe in a tailored tuxedo. My mouth went suddenly dry. Cognizant thought fled my brain. I just stared at him.

There was a reason designer clothing was so expensive. It just molded to the body in a way nothing else could. It was the details. The hand-sewn glossy buttons, the shape of those broad shoulders, the silk bow tie. It was everything and nothing. It was the suit that looked so spectacular on him. And also…just Sam. The swipe of his dark hair and easy smile. Something in his eyes that said he’d eat me for dinner and again for breakfast if I was lucky.

“Wow,” he breathed, seemingly unconscious of my blatant ogle.

“Wow is right,” I agreed softly.

“You look beautiful.”

“Oh.” He must have been doing the same thing to me. “Thank you.”

I adjusted the fit of my dark blue silk ballgown. I’d been eating like shit at work, and the gown was just a touch tight on the hips. But it fit like a glove otherwise and made me look like I actually had cleavage. Which was…a total deception.

“You look great too. Tom Ford never does me wrong,” I said with a small smile.

He shook his head. “I still can’t believe you got me this tux. It was like the cost of rent for the month.”

Oh, right. I’d forgotten about that sort of thing. I didn’t dip into my trust fund all that often, but I knew it was a privilege that I didn’t have to worry, even when things got tight. I hadn’t thought twice about helping Sam out for the event.

“Don’t mention it,” I said with a wave of my hand. “It looks too good anyway.”

“You know, I always wondered how celebrities pulled off the staggering confidence and effortless good looks. But I kind of get it in this suit. It changes something.”

I grinned. “I know just what you mean. However, I think you had that before the tux.”

Our eyes met, and for a second, I thought maybe I’d said too much. That it was going to get uncomfortable and he was going to step back. But he didn’t.

I needed to keep reminding myself that he had a girlfriend. I’d met her. She was nice. I didn’t know why she wasn’t here with him tonight, but I wasn’t going to second-guess it. I would enjoy the evening regardless.

“Shall we?” I asked. “The limo should be here soon.”

“Yes. Let’s.”

I grabbed my black clutch and then followed Sam back toward the elevators. We took it down to the first floor. By the time we made it across the foyer, the limo appeared.

The driver came around to open the door for us.

“After you,” Sam said.

I peered into the limo with a smile to see so many of my friends here all at once. That not everyone had disappeared off to the Hamptons. I sank into the seat next to English and Whitley in the back while Sam ducked in and took the seat against the long bench next to Court and Gavin.

“Hey, babe,” English said.


Whitley winked at me. “You look hot.”

She’d already dyed over her pink ombre so that the whole thing was a medium blonde with highlights that suggested she was going to try to get to English’s platinum color.

I laughed. “Thanks. So do you.”

She brushed her shoulder off. “Obvs. You remember my date, Keri, from Sparks?”

I glanced at the girl sitting next to her and realized I did remember her. She had been the waitress at Copyright 2016 - 2024