The Lying Season (Seasons #1) - K.A. Linde Page 0,14

wondered if I could convince Gibbs to send someone else. He was in charge of the legal department. But I wouldn’t be able to tell him why I wanted someone else without lying. Saying that I wanted someone with more experience. But it was bullshit. It would just draw more questions.

I flipped to the next page when a notification for an incoming email appeared on my screen. I almost closed out of it, but then I saw the name attached.

Why was Sam emailing me?

I narrowed my eyes as I clicked on the email and watched it pop up on my screen.


Do you need a break? Want to go get coffee?



A thrill ran through me before I could prevent it. I wanted to get coffee with Sam. I wanted him to think of me when he went on break. But at the same time, this was just another one of those fucking mixed signals. Why would he want to go get coffee after what happened when we went out?

Unless he wanted to apologize.

I closed my eyes and slowly counted to ten. I didn’t have time for this. For whatever Sam was going through. I’d turned over a new leaf. I wasn’t the same Lark I’d been when we first met. And I didn’t want to play games. I didn’t want to deal with any of this.

No matter how familiar things seemed.

I remembered how it had ended. And I just needed to keep reminding myself of that.


The banquet is tomorrow. No time for breaks. There’s coffee in the break room.


I gulped before I hit Send. It was abrupt. And said everything I hadn’t.

Translation: I don’t want to see you. Even if I had a few minutes, I would rather drink the shit break room coffee than step out of the office with you.

I pulled up the banquet itinerary again and then nearly groaned as another email came in. Had he not understood the first one?


I understand that there is coffee in the break room. But I think a ten minute break might be good for the both of us. Don’t you think?



No. No, I did not think a ten minute break would be a good idea.

Why was he pushing this? I’d already wasted more than ten minutes on these stupid emails. I couldn’t afford to walk out of this office today. Not even to find out what other mixed signals he wanted to send me in person.


I don’t need a break. Thanks though. Feel free to run out and get coffee. I recommend Coffee Grounds. You’re perfectly capable of leaving without me. Right?


Translation: You ran out the fucking door at the club earlier this week. Get your own coffee!


I suppose I am. I will take your recommendation. I have something I’d like to discuss with you. Since you’re so busy, perhaps we could meet after work? I heard there’s a good burger place not far away. No mustard, right?

Think about it.


Why, oh why did he have to remember how I liked my burger?

I closed my eyes, and my finger hovered over the Reply button. This had gone on long enough. I didn’t need to respond. I could just say no. That would be easier. But now, I was curious.

Damn it!

Why had he made me curious?


I don’t know what you need to discuss with me. But can’t you do it in an email?


Translation: Get this over with. You are killing me slowly.


I could. I’d rather do it in person. I owe you that much.



He owed me that much? What the hell did that mean? Was this about the club? Was he finally going to explain why he’d run out?

I chewed on my bottom lip. It could just be a line to get me to agree to see him again. I didn’t know why he needed it, but I didn’t really understand Sam at all anymore.


Fine. I’m signing off now.


I exited out of the email and returned to my work, but my heart wasn’t in it anymore. Now, I was wondering what he wanted to talk about. And despite it all, I felt nerves take over. Wondering if this was good or bad or somewhere in between.

All I knew was that I wanted answers.

I probably should have just gone for that damn coffee. Then I’d have them now. I wouldn’t have to wait until after this very, very long day. But I’d dug my grave. Time to lie in it.

It was another late night by the time I was finally able to leave. Aspen Copyright 2016 - 2024